Chapter 4: BLOND

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I got the fan art of Cavendish from pinterest under Sumi

"Y/n, why don't you just come with us? You'll be in more trouble being with them." Cavendish pleaded to you. He stood on the deck of his ship while you are facing him from the railing of Victoria Punk. You didn't even have the time to dress up since Kid had been nagging at you after Cavendish called you 'Darling'.

"You have no right to say that, I bet my sister is safer here than being with a woman-looking pirate like you!" Kid growled.

"Look..." you wanted to break their tension before they could lose it. "...Cavendish, you're a great guy and also Hakuba but---"

"But I am not the blond you wanted." He finished your sentence with a sigh. Oh right, you did rejected them and said you are loyal to another specific blond. With him finishing the sentence, you can tell every single eye turned to look at you with a small idea lurking in their mind.

'Shit Cavendish.' You hissed on your mind. You didn't want anyone to know who that specific blond is, you don't want to embarrass yourself.

"And I can see, there is also a blond man with Kid Pirates crew huh" Cavendish looked down on Killer. He is currently standing behind you from a distance.

'Cavendish, I swear, I want to forget my debt to you and sew your mouth for pointing out the obvious.'

"It's not what you think Cavendish, just...urgh, just go. I don't want you fighting my brother, this is not worth a bloodshed." You pleaded. Of course you want him out of sight before he could say more things that could expose you.

"Even if he wanted to fight, I'll still win." Kid said with pure confidence.

Cavendish parted his mouth to speak but he yawned and closed his eyes. You tensed from where you are standing. This is not good, you know who is coming out. You turned to the crew with a horror look on your face.

"EVERYONE RUN INSIDE THE SHIP!" You shouted but they seem to be taken aback. A strong wind swirl around and two of your crewmates screamed in pain. Their chest has a big cut without a warning.

"NOW! CLOSE THE DOOR!" You screamed to the top of your lungs as a scary aura went out of your body. All of them didn't say a thing and scrambled inside, carrying the injured.

A strong blow of wind circled the deck of Victoria Punk. Heat, Wire, Killer and Kid remained standing but didn't let their guard down. You look again on Cavendish's ship but he is nowhere to be seen.

As fast as the wind, Hakuba is now standing in front of you, holding your waist in one hand and his sword on the other hand. He was pulling you close to his body so you placed your palm to his chest to keep a little distance from him.

"Damn you Cavendish!" Kid shouted from the sight in front of him.

"NO, it's not Cavendish this time. It's Hakuba, his alter." Killer explained.

"Whoever you are, let go of my sister!!" Kid growled in irritation and took a step. Hakuba was about to make a move but you gripped his collar immediately, your other hand raised to stop Kid from making a move too.

Hakuba looked at you with his scary grin and turned his gaze to Killer who is standing behind you.

"You look stupid with that mask." Habuka told Killer.

"What?" Killer said. If people can see through that mask, he'd be raising his brows.

"Look who's talking." Heat muttered.

"You look weirder yourself." Wire said in a bored tone.

"Who do you think you are? Get out of my ship and...STOP TOUCHING MY SISTER!!" Kid is losing it already, taking another step forward while struggling to decide if he'll attack or not.

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