Chapter 159

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Annie took the reincarnators to the logistics office. It was on the basement level of this huge building, near the parking lot. The logistics office was quite large. The reincarnators entered and saw two men in security uniforms sitting by the window with bowls of food in their hands.

Annie greeted them skillfully. "Gao Yao, Zhao Yiyan, come and meet your new colleagues."

The two men were stunned and a trace of a strange expression appeared on their faces. It was like they were looking at victims about to enter the execution ground.

Annie started to introduce the reincarnators one by one. Apart from the people Xiao Li already knew, the young girl who asked for Annie's name was called 'Chen Jinghan.' Her female companion was 'Zhang Kaixue', the tall man was called 'Fu Guangbo' and the young man was called 'Tian Bin'.

They nodded in turn and Annie continued, "Xiao Gao, Xiao Zhao, you are old people who know how to behave. You should bring the new people. I'll leave introducing the rest of the work to you."

The two security guards nodded frantically. Annie turned to the reincarnators. "They will tell you about the specific work. Do a good job and the company won't treat you badly."

Then Annie closed the door and left the logistics office.

A relatively mellow security guard threw his unfinished lunch box into the garbage can. Xiao Li remembered that he was the security guard called Gao Yao. Gao Yao stood up and sighed. "Come on, I will take you around to get familiar with the terrain while the sun hasn't gone down yet."

The remaining Zhao Yiyan said, "Okay Brother Gao, you take them out. I will stay and go back quickly."

"I know," Gao Yao replied.

He turned to take the reincarnators out of the logistics office and into the official theme park. It was now afternoon. The sun was shining brightly, scalding everything and dispelling all darkness. This made the reincarnators, who rarely saw the sun, inexplicably feel at ease. Their many experiences proved that there was no certain connection between the sun and ghosts. Ghosts could still appear in the daytime. Even so, it was human instinct to love light.

Gao Yao told them, "We are all night security guards. We will start patrolling once the park closes at 10 p.m.?

There were many tourists in Future Theme Park, from Asian faces to Europeans and Americans. Everything was a bit like Disneyland in reality. A little girl rushed over with ice cream. Xiao Li helped her and the little girl smiled sweetly at him.

One of the reincarnators, Fu Guangbo asked, "Brother Gao, we are all night security guards? Then what about during the day?"

"There is no security during the day."

Fu Guangbo wondered, "Why?"

"There is no reason. This is a tradition of Future Theme Park. Nothing has ever happened during the day."

Ye Zeqing remembered the plot from the introductory CG. "Does this mean that something happens at night?"

Gao Yao was silent.

He was in the fast half of the group but now he suddenly slowed down. After passing the ice cream store and seeing the first building, he replied, "I'm not clear about some things. I'm just a part-timer. However... I can tell you that the night shift is dangerous."

"Brother Gao, can you elaborate?" Chen Jinghan asked softly.

"In fact, I wanted to tell all of you to leave when you first came in. You are young. Why come to do this job? But once you come in, it is too late since you are tied up by the contract."

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