Chapter 50

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The little yellow book might've fantasized many times and secretly practiced it in his dreams, but this was the first time he revealed this idea in front of Xiao Li. He was excited and fearful, afraid that the other party would hate him.

He didn't dare to be fierce and just showed some longing. 【 That way, you can only look at me. 】

【 I can only look at you. This is fair, isn't it? 】

【 If you don't want to touch me, I can touch you. I can accept this. 】

Xiao Li wrote, "...I don't want it either way."

The little yellow book wasn't furry and didn't feel soft like the little black cat. No matter who was touched, Xiao Li just felt like he lost. Xiao Li added, "I think that recently, your thoughts have gone wrong. You should go to a professional institution to correct it."

【 If you come to correct me and kiss me then I will be well corrected. 】The little yellow book acted like a spoiled child.

Xiao Li originally wanted to scold this person but he hadn't written it when he suddenly thought of one thing. At the orphanage and Tartarus Manor, the little yellow book's body had appeared quite diligently. Yet recently, it had only been talkative and the contents of the words were getting more and more worse. It was like he had nothing to do every day and could only fantasize. The little yellow book was unemployed during the day then he could go to write online texts. The little yellow book's brain hole meant he would never be unemployed if he was a writer.

Xiao Li thought up to here and tentatively asked, "Why haven't you appeared lately?"

The little yellow book showed joy. 【 Are you caring about me? 】

【 I can show up right away if you want. 】

-Although, there would be a price to pay.

Xiao Li saw these words and felt he had guessed wrongly Perhaps the little yellow book was just shy, which was why he didn't appear. He immediately refused. "No, forget it."

The little yellow book sold meng. 【Disappointed QAQ】.

This time, there was even a face symbol!

As the two of them 'exchanged feelings', Tian Ji had finished cooking. Together with Wu Tianyi, he brought out four pots of vegetables and sent them to the five university students' carriage.

The new passengers ate while Tian Ji tried to get some information from their mouths. However, they seemed to have never encountered ghosts in Double-sided Town. Every time Tian Ji mentioned 'ghosts', they laughed at him. "Uncle, you wear glasses and look very knowledgeable. How can you still be superstitious? Ghosts, do you think we're in a horror movie? We aren't scared."

Tian Ji was in a trance. "Uncle?!"

'Don't say that, it is too impolite." Liu Sinian saw Tian Ji's displeasure and immediately came to smooth things over. "Big Brother, I'm sorry, they like to blab. However, if you really believe in ghosts then I suggest that you should read a few more of the core values. Then you attend the class Introduction to Maoism?"

Tian Ji, "..."

He didn't want to see these rude new passengers anymore! The young man left angrily.

The group of five university students finished their meal and one of the girls-her friend called her 'Qian Yerong' had delicate makeup on. She had long black hair and red lips. She took a small mirror out of her bag and looked at the left and right side of her face. She felt that some makeup was removed and told her friends, "I'm going to the bathroom."

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