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Sweat ran down Bernard’s face as he ran down the chaotic streets. His eyes wandered around, searching for Arina and the children. Where could they possibly be?

“ ARINA!” he yelled.

That was when a bullet pierced his chest and he stumbled on the ground and cried silently. Bemah guards rushed to him, carrying their weapons.

From his blurry vision, he could see them run for him. There was no way he could outrun them. He was done for. What about Arina and the children?

The signal?

Tears ran down his cheeks as he pulled out one of his pistols and rose it in the air.

“ Ahhh!!!” he screamed before releasing the signal which, was purple powder paint. The guards all watched as the purple powder filled the atmosphere, creating a straight line of purple smoke.

“ Forgive me Captain!” cried Bernard before his face hit the ground and his heart stopped pumping.

“ What is that? Poison?” asked one of the guards.

“ No, I think it is some sort of signal.” Answered another.
“ Signal? For what?”

“ I don’t know.”

Rain fell upon the city, making the situation unbearable. Arina held Leonard’s hand tightly as they walked towards their building.

The loud roar suddenly burst through the city, causing their skins to crawl in fear. Arina’s eyes opened wider in fear.

All the memories of the past returned. She remembered Nijahoeba’s last roar, from the last time she had seen him.

“ Mother, what is that?” Leonard asked in fear.

There was no response from Arina.

“ Mother…”

“ We have to find your sister and Diaz.” She said.
After she had said those words, the sound of furious water was heard as screams followed.

All of the harbor raced for the land, pushing and ripping off anything in its way. The waters pushed through the city, swallowing all of the men, women and children.

The only thing Arina and Leonard could see was darkness as the water washed them away, along with the city.  Their screams along with that of all other men filled the city, begging for salvation.



The strong waters pushed Njiro onto the crystal wall, where he used his claws to hang on. His flames burst brighter, burning everything that came into contact with him.

Sulton pushed everything towards Njiro, the buildings and trees along some men.

This did not hold down the beast who burned his way through them.

He was determined to end Sulton.

“ With just the mere powers of an Upper Being, you have become so arrogant! Who are you to defeat me?!” he roared in anger.

Veins filled Sulton’s eyes before they turned bloodshot. Blood ran down his nostrils as he continued to exert more of the water from the sea.

“ There has to be a limit to these powers. I do not think you can flood the whole world.” Arina had teased him one day. “ Just like I cannot heal all of the world. You and I are only able to carry a small portion of the power, should we ever exceed the limit…I don’t think we will survive.” 

“ I am the pirate God, Captain Sulton!” he yelled before the whole sea raced for Bemah.

From behind Njiro, the crystal wall came racing fast and collided with the burning beast.

Njiro fell into the violent water while the wall pinned him down.

Sulton’s vision turned blurry and he lost control of the sea.

The waves returned to the ocean, pulling his weak body towards them as well.

The rain stopped and the water buried the pirate deep below it.

“ Tell me, why did you help him?” she asked. “ I thought you worshipped Aqah, what changed?”

“ Nijahoeba is a decent person. If I ever have to choose between a decent man and a god, I will always choose a decent man. You don’t get many like him in this world.”

He explained.

“ Decent,” she whispered.

“ Yes Arina, Nijahoeba is not like any of us. I know you’ve seen that too. There is so much good in him.”

“ He gives it to us too.” She said with a smile before walking away. Captain Sulton sighed before turning to face the horizon.

“ Sulton!” Arina’s voice yelled, “ You are a decent man too. Thank you!”

Captain Sulton froze. He could not believe what he had heard! His forehead wrinkled. “thank you!” why did the words bring comfort to his heart?

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