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Nijahoeba's eyes shot open as he sat up right and held his chest. Arina sensed the movement and also woke up and pulled out her pistol from under the pillow.

" What is it? Did you hear something?!" she asked.

" They found me,"

" Nijahoeba..."

" Mena found me. The rest of the world is heading for Arina, our home!" he answered in panic, rising to his feet and wearing his coat.

" Nijahoeba!" cried Arina, " Our children,"

" They will all die!"

" I have to save them," panicked Arina, wearing her boots. " Let us turn back, we will take the sea route..."

" We won't make it. Not even if we travel by sea..." Nijahoeba spoke, realizing how much things were out of hands.

" How could they be so heart less!" she cried, " We cannot let them reach our home. All of the people there will die!"

There was no response from Nijahoeba who walked towards the window and looked at the dark world.

" Nijahoeba..." she said.

" We met at the Pisces Harbor. Do you remember?" he said.

" Our children and everyone in Arina will die and all you are thinking about is some harbor?!" yelled Arina in anger.

" If you try to save me, Bethel and Leonard will grow up without both parents. You will be responsible for how they will grow up to be. That will make you just like Captain Sulton, selfish." Nijahoeba spoke.

Tears clouded Arina's eyes.

" Forget about Tampah. Head home at once." He continued.

" I cannot go back alone!" she cried.

" You don't have a choice." He replied before opening the large window before him.
" I love you!" she said quickly.

There was no response from Nijahoeba who jumped out of the window, leaving the wind to blow inside.

A loud roar filled the Land of Spices as the beast with a skeletal lower jaw appeared from the rubble of what once were buildings. The beast carried a gourd on its back and trident on one claw. His roars traveled the world, shaking it a little.

ARINA, home to Nijahoeba and his people

" Bethel, Leonard...what is it?" Diaz asked the young children who stopped painting on their messy board.

There was no response as they froze.

" Bethel, Leonard?"

" Father, he is yelling." Bethel whispered.

GODS, TYRANTS AND MONSTERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora