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Fire torches shone in the dark as Nijahoeba looked at the road ahead of them.

Trees surrounded them as they road their horses in the dark.

His ears suddenly caught a weird sound as he used his torch to see where the sound came from.

Little shoes could be seen behind one of the trees.

“ Come out! I can see you!” he yelled, startling the rest of the men who stopped their  horses and turned to face him.

“ Nijahoeba, what is it?” asked Shepstone.

“ I see a child! There!” Nijahoeba answered, pointing at the tree.

“ A child?!”

After those words, the shoe began to make its way towards them, revealing a young boy who was as pale as snow.

His eyes were bloodshot and blood stained his clothes.

“ Get back! That is not a child!” Shepstone yelled.

The boy growled and headed for Nijahoeba’s horse. Quickly, the horses galloped away, deep into the path.

More figures appeared and began to throw themselves at the men. One of horses fell down and the man tumbled on the dust.

“ We lost one man!” cried a blonde man.

From nowhere, a pale man pulled him off his horse and the horse ran into the woods.

Shepstone led the way as he used his powers to push the creatures away. They piled up on him, some biting his horse. This caused the horse to fall and so did he.

“ Shepstone!!” Nijahoeba yelled as he jumped off his horse and glided on the dust, avoiding the vicious bites.

“ Shepstone!” He said as he helped Shepstone up. “ Are you alright?”

“ Behind you!” Shepstone yelled as Nijahoeba pulled out his sword from his sheath and stabbed the pale creature.

He missed terribly and instead left a cut.

Shepstone moved his hands quickly and the wind pushed the creature back.

“ Come! We have to go! The others have left already!” he said as he tried to awaken his horse.

The horse neighed terribly, not moving its hind legs.

“ He is injured. I’m afraid we’ll have to use our feet.” Nijahoeba said as Shepstone nodded.

They began to run into the woods, searching for any escape.

Behind, they could sense the shadows that followed them, wanting their blood.

Nijahoeba wondered if they were going to make it, would he be able to see Arina again?

“ Never give in Nijahoeba!” Shepstone yelled as they ran into a river of fast water and rapids.

They both jumped inside and the strong waters washed them down the river.

The water entered Nijahoeba’s nose, choking him as he tried to swim but the current was too strong.

A cry escaped his lips as everything turned dark.

His ears buzzed terribly as he stopped fighting and gave in to the darkness.

“ Never give in Nijahoeba!!!” Shepstone’s words rang in his head.

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