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The candle lit the dark room as Arina sat down on the wooden chair, book before her. Her eyes ran across the gruesome images of men being slaughtered by the angry Upper beings. Silence filled the room as she slowly closed the book and closed her eyes.

She could still hear it, the shrill voice of the angry creature that used to be her God. She was not done with her yet, she knew that. Her left hand then rested on her belly as she sensed life within it. She knew it, she was with child.

Fear overwhelmed her, she knew that she would not have the child as long as Sulli was alive, she had cursed her. No believer could give birth without their God's concern. Tears ran down her face as she listened to the unborn baby's heartbeat, she would not be able to protect her.
"Arina," Nijahoeba's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

She quickly wiped her tears away as Nijahoeba entered the room.
"You are back? Finally!" she said as she rose from the chair and walked towards him. They both embraced each other for some time. She then let him go.

"I have agreed, I will be the New God." Nijahoeba spoke with a smile on his face, "I will fight the Upper beings, I will free men!"

Arina stared at him in shock. "Nijahoeba!" she gasped.

"I will change fate Arina, you and I will have a better future."

"Oh Nijahoeba! You are such a good man!" she then touched his face. "My sailor,"

"Arina..." he said as he pulled out something from his trouser. "Before I am announced as the New God, I want you to marry me. Will you be my wife?" as he showed her a shimmering ring with a clear gem.

Her eyes opened wider in shock! She was already in tears." Yes! I want to marry you!"
She then pressed her lips on his. Their lips explored each other before they pulled back.

Nijahoeba then took Arina's hand and made her wear the ring before kissing her hand passionately. "Shepstone will marry us." He spoke softly, looking at her blue eyes that reminded him of the sea.

"I love you Nijahoeba,"

"I love you too Arina,"

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