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Early the next morning while Nijahoeba was fixing the table, Arina walked inside.

Her hair was plaited into a crown braid and she wore a long green dress.

She leaned on the door frame and smiled shortly.

“Someone is here to see you.” She spoke.

“Someone?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

She nodded.

He quickly rose from his chair and headed out, following Arina.

Outside, a man in a grey robe and religious bracelets waited patiently.

As soon as they appeared, he said, “Nijahoeba, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Shepstone, how are you?” Nijahoeba answered with a smile.

He knew him, he was Aweosis’s believer. The man who had given him the piece of land after Aweosis had claimed Ghima as his.

They had grown closer and one could tell they enjoyed each other’s company.

“I have been good. The lord has been kind. What about you?” Shepstone answered.

“We have been good.”

“I shall leave you two. Let me go feed the sheep,” Arina excused herself.

“Of course, it was nice seeing you by the way.” Shepstone said as Arina nodded before walking away. 


Clouds filled the bright blue sky as Nijahoeba and Shepstone walked across the fields.

“I have been sent by my lord.” Shepstone began. “He wishes you know that he is with you regardless.”

A shocked expression filled Nijahoeba’s face.

“With me?” he finally asked.

“Yes, as one of the Upper beings he believes that it is time to take your form. To be a God.”

“Shepstone…do you mean…?”

“Yes, he has sent me to come help you reach your full potential. It is time to transform Nijahoeba.”

“I cannot!” he argued. “I cannot face it again!”

“Why not? The whole world is singing your name! You have to free us…”

“I do not have the power to save them all! I could not even save a close friend of mine. He was a like a father to me.” He looked up at the sky.

“Then I will help you become stronger!” Shepstone said firmly. “Arina and everyone else will.”

There was terrible silence afterwards.

Nijahoeba walked away from Shepstone, the wind blowing gently.

A flock of white birds flew above them, heading west. They reminded Nijahoeba of sea gulls, strangely enough he missed the salty water and its wonder.

“The other beings are livid, the world is defying them. Men are slaughtered in large numbers Nijahoeba. Whether you like it or not, you have to claim this world.” Shepstone spoke once again.

“What if I do not?”

“Then the world will tremble and we will all die. The world is unbalanced Nijahoeba, there is more evil then good, my lord has shown me this. If this continues for any longer, the world will burn and separate. I have seen it in my dreams.”  Shepstone answered.

Nijahoeba turned to face him in shock. He knew Shepstone was telling the truth.

“Tell me then, what should I do? If I want to save humanity?” he asked.

“Firstly, you have to be baptized, to be announced as the New God.”

“Baptize me then!”

Shepstone looked at him in pure amazement! Hope gleamed from his dark grey eyes.

“You have said it yourself, that men are singing my name. I cannot stand and watch as it all unfolds, I cannot hide forever. Shepstone, I will become the New God, I will claim this land and free men.” There was determination in his voice.

The image of his mother and Odo flashed through his mind. He was to avenge them, no matter what! 

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