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The tiny words danced like ants, confusing the dark eyes that stared, trying to read.

Her forehead frowned more as she wondered what the words even meant.

Why would Leonard, her mother and Diaz torture themselves this much by reading?

“ Bethel?” Arina’s voice yelled as bethel quickly closed the book and jumped off the balcony, heading inside the flat that they lived in.

Unlike back at the coast, they did not have a house but rather stayed in a tall building where other families stayed as well.

There were small balconies in every household and stairs joined the neighbors, creating a complex living place.

For Leonard, it was torture but Bethel was already jumping off the balconies, chasing cats and pigeons during the day.

“ Mother?” she spoke, holding onto her long braids, her dark, demon like eyes wandering around.

The foreign man sat down in the living room, his hands tapping nervously on the wooden table.

As soon she saw him, Arina appeared from the little kitchen.
“ This side!” she called out.
Bethel walked towards her mother.

“ During our tour around Bemah, we met this young man. He is Mr. Aion. Mr. Aion, please meet my daughter Bethel.” Arina spoke, introducing Bethel to the stranger.

“ Hunter, please call me Hunter ma'am.” Blushed the young man. “ Pleasure to meet you Bethel.”

“ Now, you go to my room and help your brother with his belongings!” Arina told her daughter who nodded before running to her mother’s room, which was away from where the stranger was.

“ Leonard!” she whispered, pushing the door into her mother’s room as she entered.

“ What is it?” Leonard asked, packing some paint brushes into an empty tin.

“ There is a man inside the house!” whispered Bethel, jumping onto the bed and rolling over before her face appeared before Leonard’s, upside down. “ He said he was Hunter.”

“ He took us to the art gallery. I have never seen anything like it in my life!” marveled Leonard. “ However…”

“ However?” she asked, reaching out her thin finger towards Leonard’s pupil.

“ I do not think he can be trusted.” Answered Leonard , pushing away Bethel’s finger from his pupil.

“ He smells divine.” She spoke, “ …like frozen meat.”

“ Sniffing people is rude! Mother warned us about it!” Leonard warned.

“ Urrgh!” she said before raising her finger towards Leonard’s mouth. “ Do you think she brought him over so that we can devour him?”

“ Certainly not! They are adults, I am pretty sure it is something important.”

“ Like cooking him?” she asked, pulling Leonard’s lips.

He growled like a dog and she let go of him quickly.

“ Come now, help me with all of this!” he demanded.

“ Very well!” she concluded.


Hunter’s eyes watched as the beautiful woman poured some tea into the porcelain cups before them.

Loose blonde strands ran down her heart shaped face as she carefully poured the hot liquid into the cups.

“ Forgive me for my abnormal behavior, my family and I are new here and I would hate if we never made any friends.” She finally spoke, placing the tea pot away.

“ Leonard especially. Bethel and I can simply get along but for him, it is different.”

“ I understand.”

“ I am glad. Do you want some biscuits?” she asked.

“ Yes please,”

“ Wonderful! My daughter made these by the way!” she said, placing some delicious round biscuits onto the bowl before handing it to Hunter.

“ She loves baking, amongst many other things!” there was amusement in her voice.

“ I don’t know if I should ask you this…”

“ What?” she asked.

Where was their father? “ Are you always this kind?”

“ Oh no!” she laughed before looking at his hand. “ Does your hand still hurt?”

“ No, absolutely not! You did not hit it that much.” He answered in embarrassment.

That was when Diaz walked inside, carrying some vegetables and newspaper.

“ Diaz!” she said in joy. “ Please, meet Hunter. He seems to know more about Bemah.”

“ Hunter?” the old artist asked, his eyes looking at Hunter in confusion.

“ Yes, he is a friend of mine…I think.” Arina spoke before turning to look at Hunter. “ Am I correct?”

“ Yes, of course! Friend.” Hunter agreed, forcing a smile.

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