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" Come on! Come on children! We are already late as it is!" Arina complained as she boarded Veronica, pulling one of the bags.

" Miss Arina," one of the men with a long beard said as he helped Arina with her luggage.

" Please make sure that the children do not hurt themselves, Bethel! For heaven's sake, let go of that sword!" she spoke, turning to face the teenage girl who rose a cutlass sword in the air.

Bethel quickly dropped the weapon and picked up her luggage, avoiding her mother's ugly stare.

Arina then looked at the man.

" Bishop, that is your name am I correct?"

" Of course," he nodded as they walked down into the cabins.

" Put all the swords away would you? There are children here!" she said.

" Mother! I cannot share a cabin with Bethel!" Leonard could be heard further back, huffing and complaining.

" Why not?" Bethel Asked, looking at her brother in disappointment.

" You will damage all of my things! Your side of the room is always untidy! It is like a pig sty." Replied Leonard. " Mother!"

" Uh! Sweet tomatoes, when will you let me be?! Cried Arina as she walked inside one of the cabins and threw her bags before her feet. " Come on! The both of you!"

The children were really not making it easier for her! The two identical faces appeared from the door, an ashamed look on their face.

" Come on in!" Arina demanded.

They walked inside slowly.

" Listen to me very carefully because I will not repeat myself. Look at me, I have a lot of things to do. Behave yourselves or I will cancel this whole thing and instead throw you off board. Am I clear?" she warned.

" Yes mother," they both said in unison.

" Very good! Now, get out of here and go prepare your cabin. I want you both in the same room."

They nodded before walking out quickly. They were afraid of the angry Arina. Who wouldn't be? She was a beast when triggered. At least she would have peace for the time being.

" Miss Arina," Diaz's voice said as he appeared next to the door.

" Diaz!" Arina spoke in delight.

" Are they giving you problems already?"

" Do you really have to ask! Gosh, those children drive me insane!" complained Arina. " Look at me!"

Diaz laughed shortly. " Oh I was just like them too back when I was a young lad! They will grow up, trust me."

" I really hope so!" Arina spoke with a smile on her face. The thought of them growing up unsettled her.

She felt better protecting them as children. It was so much easier, keeping them from the world!

Diaz then walked away, leaving Arina to think about reaching the land that displayed the remains of her dear husband Nijahoeba. Was all the pain ever going to go away though?!

GODS, TYRANTS AND MONSTERSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ