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“ Take care of yourself while I’m gone.” Nijahoeba said before kissing Arina’s forehead.

She smiled shortly as he wrapped his arms around her.

“ I will. Take care of yourself too.” She spoke gently as he let her go and took the bag from her hands.

“ I love you.”

“ I love you too, my sailor.” She said as he walked out of the door, heading to Shepstone who was waiting for him.

“ Are you ready?” Shepstone asked him.

“ Yes, I am.” He answered. “ I am ready to save the world.”

Dark clouds filled the sky as birds flew in the sky, heading to their destinations.

The clouds seemed to follow Shepstone, Nijahoeba and the army of men who had joined their journey.

Silence reigned as they rode their horses, heading to the world beyond Ghima.

Outside of Ghima, a land of ruins welcomed them.

Vultures filled the area and from distances, what used to be houses could be seen.

As they rode closer, they realized that it used to be a small town.

Old windmills and boreholes still stood along with the tall building in the middle of the town.

Grass had grown in the town, covering low lying objects such as roads and paths.

“ Where are the residents of this town?” Nijahoeba asked as he looked around.

“ They must have left.” Answered one of the men with ginger long hair and a beard.

“ Rain is coming, I suggest that we dwell within the tall building until it passes.” Shepstone announced.

“ Rain?” Nijahoeba whispered as he looked up at the dark clouds.

A single drop landed on the bridge of his nose, suddenly. “ Rain,”

“ Come on now, you don’t want to be drenched in rain.”

Shepstone yelled as he led the men to the tall building in the middle of the small town.

Luckily, there was space for the horses as well within the building.

As Nijahoeba tied the horses together, the drawings on the wall grabbed his attention.

His eyes wandered on the wall of drawings.

A huge beast stood in the middle of a crowd of men, who seemed to worship it.

They seemed to be throwing their new born babies to it and blood filled its mouth. His eyes stared at the beast as he heard distant voices.

The image of the little box that was opened before him returned.

The roaring beast inside brought shivers down his spine as men and women in red robes prayed in the background.

“ Everything alright Nijahoeba?” Shepstone's voice broke through Nijahoeba’s mind as he turned to face the man with short hair.

“ Yes, I am alright.” He lied.

“ Arina will be alright. I have asked someone to look after her. Do not worry.”

“ Thank you for that Shepstone.”
Shepstone smiled shortly before turning to admire the drawings.

“ The New God, and his people.” He said with a smile.

“ Is that me?” asked Nijahoeba in shock.

“ Yes, it’s who you really are. A God.” Before walking out and leaving Nijahoeba to stare at the beast with blood on its mouth. 

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