➻ Chapter 14

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I could definitely have done without the body search

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I could definitely have done without the body search. I had imagined it all to be much cooler than it actually was. No one else had come as close to me as this policewoman came to me in recent months. I was put in a cell with a bed and a small metal table. I felt like a prisoner from the series Orange is the new black.

The intoxication from alcohol subsided and my head began to hurt. What was I thinking about my bucket list, which I wrote at the age of thirteen? I had been completely stupid. I urgently needed to go to the toilet and only a small hole in the ground served to defecate. I'd rather get into my pants. With my head down, I counted the lines on the floor that some prison inmate had left here. Sure, I deserved to be in that cell, but I wasn't on par with other criminals, such as drug dealers. Luckily, I was alone in that cell, so I couldn't talk to anyone and pour out my heart. The negative aspect, on the other hand, was that I was alone with my thoughts . I thought about Noah and the words that had hit me so hard. Who was I trying to fool? Then I was just Olivia, who always did everything right for everyone. It had never bothered me and it wasn't reprehensible. Why should I bend over backwards for other people if I have always been myself?

»Olivia, you can call someone. Come with me,« Diego said, accompanying me to an old-fashioned phone. Since there were no more phone booths, I hadn't talked to such a thing on the phone. Who should I call? Who had so much money and could pay my deposit? I wanted to keep this incident from my parents because my mother would have a heart attack if she heard the words Olivia and prison. My friends would have been a possibility, but I chose Elijah. I took a deep breath in and out and dialled his number. Actually, it was hard for me to memorise numbers, but with Elijah I had no problem. His mailbox went on and I mumbled sheepishly, »Elijah, this is Olivia. I'm in prison. It's a very long story and I don't know what else to say. I'd like to explain the Noah thing to you. I really hope you'll give me another chance.« Then I hung up and Diego took me back to the freezing hole of Zelle.

»Diego?«, I asked when I was behind bars again.


»I'm sorry I threw this one statement at your head when you were arrested,« I quickly apologised.

»According to your breathalyser test, you drank a bit over your thirst, so don't worry. If you knew what I could listen to every day.«

»Yes, I can imagine,« I said. Then Diego grinned and I was sure that he had not taken this sentence against me.

»Should I tell Noah? It would be against the rule, but I mean, you're pretty close, aren't you?« asked Diego.

»No, please. Everyone, but not Noah.«

»Agreed. As you like. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work, if you need anything, let me know.«

After two hours, nothing had happened and I couldn't help but start crying. I knew it wouldn't help, but sometimes you should let your feelings run wild. Then I thought about my job and the dozens of calls that were on my display. What if Colin fired me? Oh my God, what had I done? Was I actually abandoned by all good spirits? I had been so stupid and had lowered myself to Noah's level. I was certainly convicted after the trial and that would come into a file. With a criminal record, I wouldn't get a job anymore. Again a crying spasm came over me. Diego came to the bars and handed me a pack of tissues.

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