➻ Chapter 10

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With saliva on my hand I woke up

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With saliva on my hand I woke up. Drunk on sleep, I dragged my tired body into the kitchen and decided to eat cereal with milk for breakfast. Spending a night on the sofa wasn't as bad as I had feared - except that my back hurt a little. My mattress would have been the better choice. My phone flashed like crazy, and I recognized dozens of messages. Alone the group chat of Amelia, Evelyn, Charlotte and me literally overflowed. In addition, Elijah had reported back. He wanted to go surfing at noon today. Surfing. I read every single letter until I realised that I had to tell him the truth, for better or worse.

»Surfing? Unfortunately, I can't surf,« I confessed in a short message.

»I am the best teacher there is. All you need is a wetsuit. But since you like water sports, surely you will have one?«

I hadn't even gotten myself a bikini my size, let alone a suit, to throw myself into the waves. It was Sunday and many shops were open, but it was already 12 o'clock. Where did I get a stupid wetsuit in a hurry? I called Evelyn and asked her for advice. Unlike me, she had surfed several times and perhaps had something in her repertoire.

»A wetsuit?« asked Evelyn, laughing.

»That's not funny. Elijah really wants to surf. I'm the new Olivia. Until I try something, I'm not saying I don't like it,« I replied.

»I actually have two wetsuits, but I don't know if they'll fit you.«

Evelyn was dress size 36. In an emergency, I would simply squeeze myself into this part by any means.


»I have to go to Liam in Beverly Hills anyway and I can visit you first,« Evelyn explained and finally hung up. In the meantime, I epilated my legs and bikini line. I didn't know the last time I shaved. To be honest, there had been no special reason to remove my hair. Elijah was worth it. I wouldn't have sex with him right away, but maybe he would touch my legs. Oh, who was I fooling, I hadn't even dared to kiss this guy. I was myself in Elijah's presence, except when it came to caresses. Maybe the separation from Noah was not as easy for my subconscious mind to process as I had thought. After ten minutes, my legs were smooth again. I creamed myself afterwards. Evelyn didn't stop by a moment too soon with the larger of her wetsuits.

»Here, please. I'd like to chat with you a bit, but you have a date with your dream prince and I have to be with Liam for lunch.«

»No problem, thank you very much,« I replied happily.

»The zipper lacks the long strap to pull up. I've always had help getting dressed, but Dr. Martinez will certainly help you. I have no doubt about that.«

When she was in a hurry, she could speak so insanely fast that you could hardly understand anything if you didn't listen to her properly. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and disappeared immediately. I shouted a thank you after her, and took a look into the plastic bag she had pressed into my hand. There was a monster in a suit. Slowly I lifted him out of the bag. He was bright pink. Evelyn had concealed this little information from me. After it was difficult enough to peel myself into my old black swimsuit, now the bigger challenge began. What didn't you do for a date? With both feet I was already standing in the human condom. With all my might, I tried to pull it over my thighs. Damn, the chocolate last night had almost settled over my thighs at night. My hands already got a cramp when I pulled again. Okay, I had reached the hip. Now it was the sleeves' turn. Right and left I pushed my hands through. With a jerk, the wetsuit had stretched over my upper body. Phew, he fit. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that the zipper that was on the back was still open. I couldn't get there with my relatively short arms. From the wardrobe I took a hanger and tried to move the zipper a little towards the neck. In fact, my plan worked. I felt like a pressed sausage and didn't even want to look in the mirror. I was seriously considering cancelling the date with Elijah. In the hallway, I decided to face the bitter truth literally. Miss Piggy was a model against me. The pink was not so bad, it was rather the small bacon rolls that the suit additionally emphasised. I didn't have time to worry more about whether I looked fat, because Elijah was already parking. I quickly put on a dress and let my door fall into the lock.

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