➻ Chapter 6

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It was the first night I slept alone in my apartment and knew Noah wasn't going home

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It was the first night I slept alone in my apartment and knew Noah wasn't going home. I rarely remembered the apartment so quietly. I didn't even have to cry because there was nothing sad about the fact that Noah was an asshole. Liam and Evelyn were right, he didn't deserve me. I didn't know why I had always praised Noah to the skies. It was his appearance that had attracted me at the beginning, but his character was all the uglier, as it had now turned out again. I had already informed Evelyn via WhatsApp how the conversation with Noah had gone.

I had arranged an emergency meeting with my girlfriends for the next evening as I couldn't stand to wait until the weekend. Actually, I had that day off, but my boss had called me and asked me to step in for two hours. So much for that I would cut overtime.

After only fifteen minutes, I arrived at the beauty clinic. My boss was considered one of the best plastic surgeons in California. Some time ago, he worked part-time in a hospital.

Dr. Andrews was already in the locker room when I put my bag in my locker.

»Great, thank you Olivia for stepping in today. I know it's your day off and I've been putting too much on you lately. I'm looking for a new part-time worker, so I don't have to work overtime,« Dr. Andrews said kindly. He had no wrinkles on his face and his age could only be estimated. Dr. Andrews kept fit with sports of all kinds. His wife was about twenty years old and he had no children as far as I knew.

»That sounds good,« I replied.

»But I would like to ask you for a favour. Tomorrow evening there will be a doctors' conference. I know you didn't study medicine, and for you these might just be boring lectures, but would you be interested in accompanying me? I hate going to events like this alone.« Oh God, was my boss just digging me up? I immediately turned crimson, but before I could answer, Dr. Martinez defused the situation.

»Oh God, Olivia, not that you get this wrong. I really meant only as an accompaniment for this evening. You are my right hand and it wouldn't hurt you to be on the cutting edge of technology. We won't be glued together all evening, because there will be a lot of international doctors meeting and exchanging ideas.«

»If so, with pleasure,« I replied quickly. The two hours flew by, because Dr. Andrews always had work on the table. We were fully booked for weeks and we only had special appointments for special customers, but this did not include B-Z celebrities. For the A – League of Hollywood was opened especially in the early morning hours or even on a Sunday.

After work, I quickly went to the nearest supermarket and bought some frozen pizzas for the evening. To cook myself, the effort was simply too great for me and my girls loved this Italian dish. I was just putting the first pizza in the oven when the doorbell rang.

»What's up?« asked Charlotte, who was the first one in my apartment.

»Don't I get a hug?«

Charlotte was a very tall woman with her 1.80 metres, so tall that even I had to reach up to take her in my arms. No wonder Evelyn always felt like a dwarf next to her.

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