Ep. 19: Stuck in the Middle with You

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The first Green Ranger, White Ranger, 6th Ranger, and 6th Ranger turned Red Ranger.

My first Black Ranger, the first Mentor/Ranger combo,

And the one who introduced me to the "Legacy of Power" when I was a kid.

You weren't my favorite Ranger, but you were my Dad's, and you're an undeniable piece of the Power Ranger puzzle. Without you, my favorite franchise wouldn't have lasted long enough for me to grow up with it. This story wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't be the man I am today.

Thank you, Jason, and may you rest in peace.

May the power protect you - always.

Episode 19: Stuck in the Middle with You

Griffin's car was going to explode, but he didn't know this yet.

He lounged comfortably in the campus library, sheltered from the stinging cold of winter. Clad in a burgundy sweater, he nursed a cup of hot cocoa while he typed up a rough draft for a book report. Beside him, Kenny and Quincy pored over their class notes. Wendy entered the building and made a bee-line for their table as the trio continued to study.

"Man, it's freezing!" She exclaimed, earning a shush from the Head Librarian. She sheepishly smiled at her, then sat down next to Griffin and peeled off her white winter gloves. Her eyes flicked to him as he hummed happily to himself. "What're you so cheery about? Aren't you cold?"

"No, not really. I am from the Midwest, though," He said with a slight chuckle. "As for your first question...I don't know why; winter's just my favorite time of year. The snow, the comfy clothes, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Its all just so-"

"Nauseating?" Wendy cut in, eyeing him with slight amusement. "See, I knew you were weird, but loving winter? What kind of weirdo loves winter?"

"Well, I was born in February, so..." Griffin rubbed the back of his neck, his face flushing a bit in sudden embarrassment.

"I'm teasing, blockhead! Don't get so bent outta shape," She slugged him lightly on the arm, then continued, "If winter's your thing, that's cool. Definitely not mine, though."

The Yellow Ranger reached into her backpack and produced her laptop. She placed it on the table in front of her, then shifted in her seat, subconsciously scooting a bit closer to Griffin. The Red Ranger felt a jolt of electricity course through his body when her arm brushed against his own. He blushed a bit as he hunkered down and turned his attention back to his book report and ignored the warm fuzzy sensation that had invaded his chest. To his left, Quincy stifled a laugh as his teammate's thoughts echoed in his own mind, unfiltered and unhidden.

Meanwhile, ALPHA emerged from the Lab and embarked on a rare journey to the surface. He toted a red and white briefcase with him as he trudged through the snow, making his way over to one of the campus parking lots. He was followed by Cheetor, who was carrying a crash test dummy.

"Remind me...what we're doing...out here?" Cheetor wheezed, struggling to keep pace as he hoisted the dummy over his shoulder.

"I've been developing a piece of Ranger technology, and the time has come to test it," ALPHA explained, gesturing to the briefcase. "Doctor K denied my request to test it inside the Lab, so I had to get...creative."

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