Ep. 16: Rivalry

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Episode 16: Rivalry

Late morning sunlight streamed in through the vast windows of Starview Heights University's game room, bathing the recreational space in its warmth. Inside, the sounds of a plastic ball bouncing against a wooden surface intermingled with eruptions of laughter as Kenny and Quincy engaged in an intense game of foosball. Their laughter spilled out into the rest of the building as Griffin pulled open the room's door and stepped inside.

"Hey, there you are! Been looking for you," He elbowed Kenny, who greeted him with a nod before turning his attention to the match. A few moments later, Quincy won, eliciting a groan from Kenny. Griffin patted him on the back and said, "Hey, better luck next time, right? Anyway, good news. I finished my History paper a few days early, so I'm free for the movies on Saturday after all!"

"Yeah, about that..." Kenny rubbed the back of his neck. He sheepishly continued, "After you told me you couldn't make it, Quincy and I made plans to go see it instead...but if you want, you could tag along?"

"Oh...nah, that's cool," Griffin forced a smile as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. His gaze shifted to the door, and his face lit up when he saw their yellow teammate strolling inside. "Morning, Carrot Top!"

"Get bent, blockhead," Wendy's reply was somewhat brusque but carried an affectionate undertone that only Kenny seemed to pick up on. He stifled a laugh as she made her way over to Quincy and said, "Hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping me with my Trig assignment last night. You're a lifesaver!"

"Hey, don't mention it," Quincy said nonchalantly, shrugging. "I'm always up for helping out a friend."

"He helped you with your Trigonometry homework?" Wendy hummed in confirmation, and Griffin mumbled, "But...*I'm* your tutor."

"Why are you getting jealous? Math is your *worst* subject," Kenny gently reminded him.

"Whatever..." Griffin turned and made his way to an arcade cabinet in the corner. He fished a quarter out of his pocket, then leaned over to insert it before pausing. "Wait...did somebody beat my Pac-Man score?"

"Oh, that was yours?" Quincy asked, and Griffin turned to face him. "Sorry 'bout that. I noticed it here a few nights ago and decided to give it a whirl. Not bad for someone who's never played before, huh?"

"You mean...that was your first time playing Pac-Man? Ever?" Quincy nodded, and Griffin turned his back to him and shoved his quarter into the machine. He slammed his hand on the start button, then planted a firm grip on the joystick as the familiar notes of the Pac-Man theme spilled from its speakers. He jerked the control device around, losing himself in the game as he led Pac-Man through its ghost-infested maze. "First time ever playing Pac-Man? You gotta be friggin' kidding me. It took me *three semesters* to get that score, and Mr. Perfect beats it his first time ever playing? I'll show that smug little show-"

"Griffin?... Griffin?... Hey, GRIFFIN!" Wendy smacked him upside the head, jolting him from his thoughts. He turned to face her, and as Pac-Man careened into the waiting jaws of a ghost and died, she added, "What's your damage? I've been trying to get your attention for a solid minute now!"

"Oh...s-sorry," He apologized. "...What's up?"

"Doc wants us at the lab," She told him, gesturing to her SpyTech Brace. "Didn't you hear your morpher go off?"

"No, I guess not...." This earned him an eye roll, and she turned to follow the others as they made for the exit. Griffin shoved his hands in his pockets, crossed the room, and trudged down the hall after them, his lips curving into a deep scowl...

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