Ep. 11: Fame and Misfortune

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Episode 11: Fame and Misfortune

"Okay, this thing's really starting to get on my nerves!" A morphed Wendy said as she shot at the Eraser Attack Bot inside an office. The tiny eraser-themed robot laughed maniacally as it skittered across a desk, avoiding all of her projectiles. "Alright, that's it! C'mere, you little shit!"

She dashed towards the desk and increased her rate of fire, filling the air with blaster bolts. The Eraser Attack Bot cackled as it dodged her second wave, then launched a ball of light her way. Wendy was temporarily blinded, allowing the diminutive robot to launch a volley of staple-like bullets at her. As the projectiles hurtled towards the Yellow Ranger, a morphed Griffin rushed to intervene.

"WENDY!" He shouted, tackling her to the floor just before the staples made their mark.

"...Is there a reason you did that?!" Wendy shoved him off her, then added, "It kinda hurt, y'know!"

"And those staples hitting you wouldn't have?!" Griffin shot back.

"Rangers! Focus!" Doctor K chided, her voice echoing through their comms.

"Right, sorry!" Griffin hopped back up to his feet, then offered a hand to Wendy, who reluctantly allowed him to pull her up. "Let's finish him off! Attack Formation Delta!"

"Right!" The other two hollered. Kenny ran over to the Eraser Attack Bot's desk, which he used his superstrength to lift up and then slam back onto the floor. The tiny robot was sent toppling onto its back. Griffin seized the opportunity by super speeding over and hog-tying it to the wooden surface with duct tape. He and Kenny cart-wheeled out of the way, and Wendy aimed her SpyTech Aperture at their foe before twisting the dial on its barrel.

"SpyTech Aperture: Snapshot...STRIKE!" She then pulled the trigger, sending a beam of light flying towards the incapacitated Attack Bot. It screamed as it was obliterated by the attack, leaving a crater of burning splintered wood in its wake.

"This is Griffin to Doc – Eraser Attack Bot is offline, over."

"Acknowledged, Ranger Red. I'm not reading any Attack Zord signals, so I'll go ahead and give Agent Wright the all-clear for crowd control," Doctor K replied via comms. "Good work, over and out."

"Man, that was tough...!" Kenny stretched his arms, glancing out the window as emergency responders arrived and began escorting the office workers away from the parking lot. He watched them all leave, then turned his back to the window and raised his morpher to his chest. "POWER DOWN!"

He demorphed in a flash of light, then kept stretching until his bones snapped softly. "Man, am I tired...."

He let out a yawn, then walked up to Griffin and Wendy and slapped them both on the shoulders. "I'm taking off. See ya guys tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see ya," The two echoed, watching their Blue teammate leave. They ducked into a nearby cubicle, then demorphed before leaving themselves. Meanwhile, a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes crouched behind a tree outside the parking lot, clutching a camcorder in her hands...

"Well, what do you know? The Eraser Attack Bot was a failure," Control observed, feigning surprise. "Who could've guessed?"

"It was a pretty stupid plan," Delete snickered. The robot patted Alt on the shoulder before adding, "Maybe next time you should let us pick, dear sister,"

"Laugh all you want, my foolish brothers," Alt muttered, glaring at her brothers as they left the room. Once they were gone, she reached into a pocket on her vest and produced another Venjix Virus Card. "This plan may've failed, but my next Attack Bot will put your efforts to shame!"

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