Ep. 2: Follow the Leader

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Episode 2: Follow the Leader

"Hahahaha!" The Dozer Attack Bot guffawed as it launched the CPU Rangers backward. They slammed into a brick wall and toppled to the ground, which elicited another laugh from their foe. "You Power Punks are no match for me! You may as well give up now!"

"Like that's gonna happen!" Kenny shouted as they struggled back up to their feet. A beep from their morphers drew their attention as a timer appeared on its screen and began to count down from ten minutes.

"We need to finish him off before his Attack Zord gets here!" Wendy urged.

"Yeah, cuz that's *not* what we've been trying to do for a half-hour now," Griffin muttered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing, just...forget about it,"

"Whatever," She scoffed, then turned her attention back to the Attack Bot. "Alright, we need a pl-"

"LEEEEEEROY JENNNNNNKINS!" Kenny dashed forward, grabbed a massive piece of rubble, and lifted it above his head with his superstrength. He leaped into the air, then threw it at his opponent and shouted, "EAT THIS!"

"Wait, Ken, that's not a-!" The Dozer Attack Bot smashed the boulder, which sent several chunks of debris hurtling through the air. Griffin and Wendy hollered in pain as the debris struck them, and Kenny yelped when he was abruptly swatted away by their foe. The Red Ranger coughed, then awkwardly finished, "-good idea..."

"Alright, screw it!" Wendy growled. She summoned her SpyTech Aperture, then vaulted into the air and pelted the Dozer Attack Bot with lasers. "Who needs a plan?!"

"Evidently, you do!" The Attack Bot taunted as it deflected the projectiles with its arms and fired a blast of its own. "So long, girly!"

"Wendy!" Griffin called out as the blast barreled towards her. He supersped over to her, then leaped into the air and shoved her away. They both slammed into the ground, and after a brief coughing fit, he said, "Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine!" She growled.

"You won't be for long!" The Dozer Attack Bot boomed. It charged a massive blob of energy in its hands, then added, "So long, Rangers!"

The Rangers had no time to react as it launched the attack, which zoomed towards them and then froze in mid-air. The Dozer Attack Bot froze, too, then faded into ones and zeroes.

"SIMULATION TERMINATED," A digitized voice announced via the speakers as the plaza faded away and revealed itself to be a projection. Griffin and the others groaned, then demorphed as Doctor K's lab reappeared around them. "PERFORMANCE GRADE: D-MINUS"

"Well, well well...another failure," Doctor K remarked. She logged the results into her computer, stood from her chair, and made her way over to the Rangers. "That makes four so far. Would you like to try again?"

"No! No way, we're not doing it again, just screw it!" Wendy threw up her hands and padded over to the fridge, where she grabbed a bottle of water. She took a quick swig, then shouted, "I've had it up to here with this!"

"Oh c'mon, so we failed again? I'm sure we'll get it next time!" Kenny offered.

"That's easy for you to say, glory hog!" She replied in an accusatory manner. "Your little stunt with the boulder may've looked cool, but Griffin and I didn't exactly appreciate the shrapnel shower!"

"You think I was trying to show off? I was using my power to my advantage!" Her glare intensified, which prompted him to add, "What?! I'm just stating a fact! I have superstrength; you two don't! Would you prefer that I not use it?!"

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