Ep. 3: The Beast Within

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Episode 3: The Beast Within

"Okay, so we need a new plan...." A morphed Griffin mumbled as the Tire Attack Bot stomped over to him and Wendy. They crept backward as their foe stepped towards them and soon found themselves standing on the edge of the roof they were fighting on.

"I could've told ya that," Wendy scoffed. "In fact, I wanted to a half-hour ago!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence there, Carrot Top...." He glanced around the rooftop and tilted his head, then added, "Hey, where's Kenny...?"

Before Wendy could respond, the door to the building's stairwell flew off its hinges and slid across the rooftop. A morphed Kenny burst through the opening, then lunged at the Tire Attack Bot.

"Wahhhhhh!" It wailed as Kenny picked it up and flung it up into the air with his superstrength. The Blue Ranger materialized his SpyTech Analyzer, then impaled the Attack Bot with the blade as it plummeted back down. "Help...me..."

Kenny twisted the weapon inside the Attack Bot's armor, and it screamed in agony before exploding.

"Man, that was awesome!" Griffin rushed over and went for a high-five, but his Blue counterpart ignored the gesture. "Ken...? You in there...?"

"...You annoy me," Kenny replied, much to Griffin's surprise. He tossed his SpyTech Analyzer aside, then struck the Red Ranger with his forearm. His teammate was flung off the roof and nearly fell to his death, but he managed to save himself by grabbing a railing.

"Griffin!" Wendy exclaimed. She glared at Kenny, then shouted, "What the hell's the matter with you?! We're not your enemies!"

"Everyone is my enemy!" He growled, then sprinted towards the Yellow Ranger without warning. She tried to move out of the way using her superagility but was strangely unable to.

"Ahhhh!" She shrieked as Kenny speared her, knocking her off her feet. He pinned her to the roof and raised his fist to strike her, which sent her into a panic. "Doc...help me...!"

"Working on it, Ranger Yellow!" The sound of Doctor K typing filled the comm-link, and a few moments later, she added, "Here goes nothing!"

She slammed her hand on a red button, then watched on her monitor as electricity surged through Kenny's suit. The Blue Ranger yowled in pain, then fell unconscious and reverted back to his civilian form.

"K-Kenny...!" Apex tore away from his terminal and ran to the freezer, where he stuffed a duffel bag full of ice cubes. After zipping it up, he burst out of the room. "H-Hang in there, I'm on my w-w-way...!"

Wendy pulled herself back up to her feet, l then took a series of shallow breaths. Her heartbeat returned to its regular rate, and she demorphed and let out a sigh of relief.


"*Ahem!*" Griffin cleared his throat, and she turned and saw him hanging off the side of the roof. "I know you almost died just now, but if you could find the time-"

"I got it, I got it...!" Wendy groaned. She made her way over, then grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up onto the roof. As he demorphed, she glanced over at Kenny's unconscious body and added, "What the hell happened just now...?"

"Beats me..." Griffin replied with furrowed eyebrows just before a nearby vent popped open to reveal Apex.

"Recognized: Apex, B-03" An electronic voice echoed through the vent as Apex pulled himself up out of it.

"Kenny!" The Buddy Droid rushed over to his human counterpart and then pulled his duffel bag off his shoulder. He opened it and dumped the ice cubes onto him; heat radiated off of the Blue Ranger in waves as his body cooled down. "Don't worry, buddy, we'll make you b-better in no time!"

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