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"That's a way to start a birthday," I say as I go to get up. Alycia grabs my hand stopping me causing me to look at her. Our eyes lock and a smile lingers on her lips.

"Lay with me for a little longer," Alycia whispers gently. I bite my lip. The thought of her was boiling inside of me, in a good way. Her lips on my skin was still sinking in. It felt like ghosts up and down my neck and even on my lips. Her hands, her fingers running through my hair makes chills roll down my spine along with the feeling of her nails digging into my back. I smile and nod at her, laying down carefully.

I end up behind her, her head laying on my chest. The blanket covering the both of us. But quite honestly it was her that was covering me, the blanket an added bonus. It was, is comfortable.

Carefully I drape my arms over her, keeping a semi tight hold on her. Silence fills the air, lingering as we lay there. My mind starts to wonder to places I didn't even think we're possible. For once I wasn't thinking about the accident or my mother. I wasn't thinking about Callum and the breakup. I wasn't thinking about not getting in a car. I wasn't thinking about my dad. All I could think of was how I felt. And for the first time in what seems like a long time I felt happy.

Happy. I never thought I'd feel that again. It was odd but I like the feeling instead of that hurting and pain filled feeling. It's better than feeling empty and better than feeling like nothing matters. Right now and honestly I feel like since I first met Alycia a part of me has been restored. A part of me feels like a puzzle piece has been found, that very last puzzle piece needed to complete the actual puzzle. That's who Alycia is and that's completely crazy to me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Alycia asks tearing me from my thoughts. I feel Alycia's fingers trail up and down my chest in a sort of circular motion. I tear my eyes off of the ceiling and glance to her, our eyes locking as she's looking up at me.

"A lot of things," I respond with a gentle smile.

"Good things I hope," Alycia smiles gently and I nod, reaching a hand up and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Can I be honest with you?" I ask my voice low. Alycia nods, adjusting her position a bit to fully look at me. Her chin resting gingerly on my chest as I look down at her. "I'm happy."

A big smile spreads ear to ear on Alycia's lips as the two small words escape my lips.

"Y/n..." Her voice trails and I flick my eyes back and forth between hers. "You're happy. I'm happy."

My lips curve upwards and I reach my hand up, cupping the girl's cheek. My thumb gently rubs back and forth, chuckling a bit. Alycia tilts her head to the side and I nod.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She asks.

"Ever since I met you, it feels like my whole world has flipped for the better."

"Are you saying that because we just..."

My eyes go wide and I shake my head, removing my hand from her cheek.

"Jesus- No. No not at all, Alycia-"

"Calm down, I was kidding," Alycia spoke, giggling as she cuts me off. Relief washes over me, looking away from her eyes for a moment before looking back.

"When I saved you from the ice that's when I knew."

"Knew what?" Alycia tilts her head, raising a brow.

"Knew that I care about you way more than I ever thought I could care about anyone." My eyes flick between her's seeing her gaze soften. "I also knew that it was going to start something between us."

"What do you mean by something?" A small smirk grows on her lips as I shrug.

"I don't know yet. Something amazing I guess."

Alycia's smirk grew into a smile as I smile back. Silence filling between us as we just look at one another.

"Amazing huh?" I nod at her and her smile grows, nodding. Within seconds she begins moving, getting up. I cock my head to the side, as she turns, covering herself.

"Where are you going?" I ask, watching the girl reach down grabbing her shirt and pants, slipping everything back on.

"I want to show you something. Give me a few seconds," Alycia says standing up pulling her pants on. I nod and watch her walk away. Once she leaves I take the opportunity to sit up myself now and get dressed. As soon as I finish the sound of someone entering the room causes me to turn my head to find Alycia walking back into the room with something in her hand. I tilt my head to the side looking from her hand to her face till she gets to the couch and sits down beside me.

"Here-" Alycia pauses and holds out a folded piece of paper. I reach over and take it, opening it up and finding handwriting, however my eyes go wide when I see it's addressed to me.

Dear Y/n Brooks,

We met for the first time today. You've been a patient of my father's since your accident. He wouldn't give me much details only that you lost your mom. I'm sorry. I lost my mom when I was younger, younger than you. It's hard losing someone you love but I heard your dad talk about you. You once loved Christmas but it was clear that you hate it now. I plan to change that especially since you loved it once.

I don't know why but I feel like we were meant to meet. Us meeting in a hospital is not ideal but I'm just glad it wasn't in a worst condition. If anything it would make the most sense considering who our dads are. I do want to say that's not who we are though.

I'm not wanting to be a doctor or nurse. I'm sorry if I may be assuming but you don't seem to be following in your parents foot steps either. That's something satisfying, intriguing about you. This sounds so creepy and stupid but I doubt you'll ever read this. I want to tell you about me. I want to learn stuff about you and talk to you. God I sound like a total weirdo but I feel like me and you, we could make something amazing.

I read word by word, keeping a thin smile on my lips as I finish. I fold the paper back up and turn my head towards the girl only to find the girl looking at the ground, fidgeting with her fingers. Hesitantly I reach over and place my left hand over her hands, keeping my eyes on her face. Alycia's head turns my head towards me, our eyes locking.

"This is a little creepy," I say earning a scuffed chuckle as Alycia bumps into me, looking away from me and back to the ground. I laugh lightly and lean forward placing the folded piece of paper on the coffee table before turning my body, my attention to the brunette, squeezing her hand.

"But I agree," I say after a second.

Alycia lifts her head, turning her head to me. Our eyes locking once again.

"You do?" Alycia questions and I nod.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Alycia shrugs. "I don't know. I guess I'm just used to people not agreeing. Or feeling the same or being honest." My lips curve slightly up as I reach up my hand and cup the girl's cheek. My thumb gently rubs back and forth on her skin as my eyes flick between her green ones.

"I will always be honest with you Alycia."

"Good because I need to know if that dip is good." A laugh escapes my lips as I remove my hand off of her cheek and nod, watching the girl lean forward and grab a dip. I take a hold of it as Alycia grabs a bag of chips. I take one and dip it into the dip taking a bite.

"Oh wow-" I pause making a disgusted face without really meaning too.

"It's bad?" Alycia asks and I look at her eyes, slowly nodding my head.

"Why don't I teach you how ti make it properly considering we've got sometime on our hands?" I suggest and stand up. I extend my hand out to the girl, seeing her eyes flick from mine to my hand and back to my eyes. A smile inches to her lips as I watch her hand rise and slip into mine. I gently squeeze it and help her stand. We head j to the kitchen. I let go of her hand and walk around to the fridge beginning to get ingredients. The sound of Christmas music erupts into the air causing me to glance over my shoulder to the girl seeing a cheeky smile on her face as she shrugs and helps me sort out the ingredients.

Heart of ChristmasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz