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   My eyes flutter open with a bright light invading my vision. I lift up my hand, rubbing at my eyes feeling a head on my shoulder. Hesitantly, slowly I put my hand down and glance over the best I could to find a sleeping Alycia. A smile tugs on my lips as I look at her, sinking my top teeth into my bottom lip.

Gently, I move my hands up and grab a hold of her, leaning her head and body off of me. She looks peaceful. Cute even as she sleeps. My smile grows as I lay her down, carefully placing her head down on the pillow on the opposite end of the couch. I stand and grab her legs, placing them up on the couch. Them being in the same spot I had been sitting. Once I'm happy with where she is, I glance around finding a big cozy looking blanket. I unfold it swiftly yet quietly before placing it over the girl. As I do, I grab the edge pulling it up more towards her face causing her to move a bit. I hesitate, my smile still lingering as my eyes are focused on her but when she stops moving and she doesn't wake, relief washes over me.

Quietly, I stand up and take a couple steps back grabbing the remote on the coffee table and turning the tv off. The room immediately becomes dark with only a light appearing from outside crashing through the window. My eyes glance over to it seeing the moon outside glowing bright high up in the sky. My lips curve up slightly before dropping and dropping my head, to all the food on the table. I begin picking it all up, the best I can before letting my legs guide me out of the room and to the kitchen.

I dispose of what's left and put the empty bowls and mugs into the sink. Once I place them I lean my hands against the counter and stop a second. My eyes trailing out in front of me seeing it begin to snow in the moonlight. My head cocks to the side, seeing it coming down. It was quite beautiful. Especially out here in the middle of no where.

A scuffed sigh escapes my lips as I look down and spot my hand wrapped in a bandage. I push myself away from the counter and head out of the kitchen, shutting off the light and heading towards the stairs, quietly tiptoeing my way up just so I don't wake the girl.

Upstairs I find myself getting to my guest room and to the restroom. I walk in, reaching over to right and flipping on the switch. I stand in front of the mirror reaching forward and taking a hold of a cloth, rubbing alcohol and some new bandages to wrap around my hand. I place it all on the side of me reaching up my hand and beginning to unwrap the bandage already on my hand.

As I unwrap it, I flinch at the feeling and pain. It was sensitive and I haven't taken anything for it even though Dr. Shepherd prescribed me some. I just didn't like taking stuff. It bothered me.

"Hey," a low sweet voice speaks causing me to jump and look over my shoulder to lock eyes with Alycia's tired green eyes.

"Hey," I whisper back as she pushes herself away from the door frame, eyeing me curiously. "You could've kept sleeping. I didn't wake you did I?"

The girl shakes her head from side to side walking up next to me. My head and eyes follow as she stops beside me and reaches over grabbing a cotton ball and the rubbing alcohol.

"I felt you put the blanket over top of me," Alycia said as my cheeks heat up looking at my hand as the girl takes a hold of it. "Perks of being a doctor's daughter, we know how to take care of others."

The girl's green eyes focus on my hand before gently taking the cap off of the rubbing alcohol and placing on the sink counter. My eyes follow, watching her movements. She takes the cotton ball and places it over the top of the rubbing alcohol bottle, dumping it over before placing the bottle down and moving the cotton back to my hand.

Gently, she squeezes the cotton ball over the wounds on my knuckles. I wince and clench my jaw at the cold feeling but sink my teeth into my bottom lip as the wound begins to sting.

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