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Snow swayed back and forth, beginning to cover the ground once again. It happened all the time here in this small town so I don't even know why I'm surprised by it. It's nice though. While I don't particularly like Christmas or snow I do like watching it fall. It's interesting to say the least.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way," carolers sang as I shoved my hands into my hoodie. I avoided eye contact at all cost knowing if I did give eye contact I was morally screwed. I don't get why they even had to sing so early in the morning. Then again it's 9 in the morning, but still early for me at least. A low sigh escapes my lips as I glance down to the ground seeing my shoes making and leaving prints in the light covering of snow. I watch my steps for a couple moments before picking up my head hearing someone shout. As soon as my head lifts I see a kid run across the street and past me. I'm glad I had stopped walking, if I hadn't there's no doubt we would have collided.

"Y/n?" I hear tearing my eyes from the child seeing him drop down behind a bush. I shake my head and look to find Kurt, the friendly and most oldest man in town. A small smile spreads to my lips as I begin walking again getting face to face with the old man.

"Good morning Kurt," I say keeping that small smile. Kurt nods his head, a sweet smile spreading to his lips.

"I thought that was you. It's been a while since I've seen you around. How's college going my dear?" he asks and I shrug.

"It's definitely going," I respond earning a chuckle from the man as he places his hands on his hips.

"Well, I'm sure it's going just fine-" he pauses and steps off to the side of the door in front of his little café. "Do you want to come in? I could whip you up my famous and most beloved hot cocoa you always used to love."

"Oh no, I'm good..." My voice trails looking to the door then back to the older man before biting my lip and nodding. "Okay, yeah sure." A cheery, toothy grin spreads to the man's lips as he nods and opens the door. He walks in first, holding the door open. I follow suit feeling the rush of heat hit my face. It felt nice rather that the cold that's outside. Music plays throughout and of course it's Rocking Around The Christmas Tree. Everyone here is really into Christmas, something I've honestly been avoiding by only going to college and home and the hospital if need be.

"Is that who I think it is?" A familiar voice speaks as I let my eyes roam the café. It looks different then from what I remember. "Oh my word!"

"Debra, look who I picked up on the side of the street," Kurt speaks walking past me catching my eye. My eyes follow him before finding an elderly woman, who I recognize immediately. And just as fast she walks over, a big smile spread a crossed her lips as she engulfs me into a hug. I gently hug her back.

"Hey D," I say gently as we pull away. The woman's hands lingering on my arms when we do pull away. Our eyes lock and she looked happy to see me.

"My, my. I haven't seen you in so long my dear. How's that father of yours? Still busy at work?" Debra asks and I nod my head.

"Always," I respond feeling the woman let go of my arms. "I see the cafe's changed a bit." Debra's eyes widen as she swiftly nods backing up and motioning her arms everywhere.

"I finally talked Kurt into letting me change a few things. We put in new flooring, even did some decorating- OH!" Debra flashes jazz hands hurriedly motioning for me to follow her. I bring myself to follow along over to a wall full of pictures. "We managed to keep this though. You do remember the picture wall right? Our most prized possession." Debra wore a big smile as both of us scanned the wall. My eyes trailed the wall, looking from picture to picture before seeing a picture of me, my father and my mother. My small smile that I wore slowly faded staring at the photo feeling a sudden sadness wash over me. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip however moving on from the picture and finding a different photo of that girl from the hospital.

Heart of ChristmasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat