»Hey Olivia.« She had probably heard the argument and took me in her arms on the spot.

»Did you hear anything?«, I asked, but didn't really want to know.

»Every word,« replied a male voice that I heard to the left behind me. Liam had also come to the fireplace.

»You must not let this idiot dictate your life.«

»Yes, he definitely doesn't deserve you. You're a smart young woman, Olivia. You're worth more than he ever will be,« Liam said. Evelyn's boyfriend was the womaniser par excellence, which was probably due to his years of experience as a bartender.

»Thank you,« I replied quietly, sobbing.

»You need distance from him. This allows you to think clearly. Maybe then he will realise what he has in you. Whether you take it back, you have to decide for yourself. Or you can see for yourself how well you feel without him,« Liam said, fetching beer from the tent. One he gave to Evelyn and the other to me. We drank the beer and Evelyn really wanted me to sleep in their tent. In their opinion, they had taken far too much with them anyway.

»Can you please shut up,« Noah yelled loudly from his tent.

»Oh, the diva has spoken. I don't want to provoke an unnecessary argument tonight, otherwise I won't drag this idiot home with me. We should lie down in our tent and sleep. Tomorrow the world will look different. I promise,« Liam replied.

»Thank you.« Evelyn had made extra room for my sleeping bag in her tent.

»You don't have to thank us. We're here for you,« Liam said, turning off the flashlight.

The next morning we packed up the tents again and cleaned up. Breakfast consisted of a slice of bread and Nutella. No one had said a word. Noah was mad at me, I knew that, but I wouldn't apologise for anything.

On the way home, I stared incessantly out the window, while Noah slept and snored loudly. Saliva ran out of the corners of his mouth and for a second I thought about filming it and uploading it to the Internet. But I wasn't that nasty. Around noon we arrived home and I unpacked. Noah went to the beach with a friend to surf. I enjoyed the calm before the storm, because tonight I wanted to talk to him plainly and suggest a break. It just couldn't go on like this. My stomach rebelled and I had an awful stomach ache. The conversation would finally ease my conscience, at least that's what I hoped. If I didn't even feel like sleeping with my boyfriend anymore, something was terribly wrong. Noah was not so quick to see. I washed the laundry and gave the fish something to eat. Evelyn had actually taken him away. At home, she had realised that she couldn't keep Nemo in a bucket forever and since I had two baths, I wanted to take him in for a short time.

Noah probably already suspected that I wanted to talk to him. Shortly after sunset he finally came home. Noah was covered with sand and dragged half of it down the hallway. Again a habit that made me freak out. Breathe calmly, Olivia. Don't overreact. We don't want to fall right into the house with the door.

»Noah, maybe we can talk. I feel like there's something huge between us,« I said quietly.

»If you mean,« he replied, and walked towards the bathroom.


»Can I take a shower first? You can see that I might be a little sandy.« Oh, what? From the beach you are now sandy? It's completely new to me.

He wiped the sand from his arms. Thank you, so the corridor was only more covered with grains.

»By myself,« I replied.

»What are the fish doing in our bathtub? I thought Evelyn was taking them or was this supposed to be my dinner?!«

»She has no room in her small apartment,« I replied, putting a strand back.

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