Scene 27 - Jet Climb

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The aged Ninestein waddles out from the containment. Mary helps him. Ninestein's movements are slow, and his arms shake erratically. The others go to help him.


Tiger. What happened?

Dr. Ninestein:

Mary... Mary.


You better have a good answer to what has happened to him, Mr. Brains! For if we aren't able to get my friend back to the way he was...

Mr. Brain:

I am telling you, I have no idea how this happened.


You got an idea how we can get him back?

We hear the voice of Mr. Nerve transmitting over the ship. We cut between his voice over the radio and inside the control centre.

Mr. Nerve:

Sir, that last process you undertook in the containment field, what's happened?

Mr. Brain:

We used Dr. Ninestein as the host. But somehow he has been aged by around 300 years I'd say. What's going on?

Mr. Nerve:

The virus has been able to mutate. It's now beginning to adapt itself to a new and even deadlier scale.

Mr. Brain:

Well, how?

Mr. Nerve:

I think it had something to do with the host. When he was inside, the infection was able to create a new strain.


You'd better think of something quick to find a way to get him out of this.

Mr. Brain:

Mr. Nerve, we've just created a virus that will be able to continually renew itself by however means we destroy it by. That means the virus will never be cured entirely, and now we can't flush it out.

A cackling voice booms across Mr. Bob again.


No. You will never be able to flush it out now. And now, you have so stupidly aged Dr. Ninestein to an ancient, dusty old man. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!

Ninestein shuts his eyes slowly with his old aches and pains. We cut to the evil schemers on Mars again.


But this does not mean you will be able to fix him. No, no, no. You will have the opportunity to prove yourselves to see if you can renew him from his brittle old bones.


Shut up, you fool! This is my speech. Now, as I was saying, the new virus will allow me to alter the design of Mr. Bob not only internally, but also externally.

From here, we cut between Mr. Bob and Zelda's base.

Mr. Brain:

No. You can't do that.


Fairly, mind you. Such as like this.

We see the section in the far distance to the camera's right extend to a long tunnel, with a black void at the opposite end of it. We are presented with a narration of the activity the Terrahawks will complete in order to save Ninestein. Hawkwing is present at the other end of the tunnel, with razor sharp spikes leading up along the sides of the walls reaching to infinity. Sets of blasters facing downwards are suspended hovering in the air. Once they are touched, they will blast downwards to the ground at rocket speed. As the gigantic space descends higher, the greater the weight and size of the rockets become, as do their power. These rockets are scattered across the entire open space. As Zelda narrates, we look up higher and higher up to the enormous space.

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