Scene 19 - Jungle Tactics

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We cut to see Sergeant Major Zero's face. His eyes are closed, but he carefully opens his left eye with ease. Inspecting what he sees, he slowly opens the other. The camera keeps fixed on him.

Sergeant Major Zero:

W-where are we? What is this place?

The camera slowly moves around what is presented before Zero – a vast jungle setting in the middle of an enclosed space. Sand sits around with the rest of the verdant vegetation present around him. Trees stretch up high into the sky, and bushes and thick waves of natural grass prevent Zero from observing any more. Parts of wood sticks lie toppled on the ground to help obstruct any more of his view. The wildlife sings happily as birds tweet and a waterfall trickles down in the distance. The camera then returns to Zero.

Are we? Could it be? The first Zeroids... to ever land on a new and unknown land? Zero, the first Zeroid to ever land on this new planet.

He turns to his right.

Oh, and I had to be joined with you, lad.

It was Zeroid 18! He is beside Zero. He too has his eyes closed.

Lad? Can you hear me, you French twit!

His eyes slowly open.

Zeroid 18:

Oui, patron. The French twit is awake.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Just as well there are at least two of us who are stuck together in this desolate new world.

Zeroid 18:

Where are we, patron? And how did we end up here?

Sergeant Major Zero:

Hmm. After Mr. Bob seemed to crash on us, that massive burst of energy blew we back into space.

Zeroid 18:

And we were blown away here.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Quite right. And I assume there was nothing you could do either, even after you increased your mass to stop the shockwave from blowing us into space?

Zeroid 18:

That's right, mon amis. Will we be able to return back to the others?

Sergeant Major Zero:

Well, I'm getting no reading. We could be on the other side of the universe for all we know.

Zeroid 18:

With oxygen? And a jungle terrain with birds and running water?

Sergeant Major Zero:

Well, err. Who knows what we might find out here, lad. We be best to be on our guard. And expect the unexpected. As the Doctor would always say.

The two Zeroids begin rolling forward, running through a passage that takes them through deep grass before they arrive at a cliff edge. Once they reach it, their eyes open up as they assess where they could be. The drop is perhaps only thirty feet, but the view of the rest of the jungle is a beautiful sight. A long, thick walkway stretches for miles through the jungle with tumbled rocks and branches in the way. A stream of running water passes along the other side of the passage. The setting is reminiscent of that seen in Jungle Book, as the Zeroids begin to assess where they could be.

Zeroid 18:

You don't suppose you think we could have arrived back home, do you?

Sergeant Major Zero:

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