Scene 2 - The White House

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The road leads to a mountain, stretching tall up high into the sky. The entrance to this cave allows space for a hanger for a small aircraft, such as Hawkwing. Hawkwing flies in the sky and begins approaching the cave entrance. Hawkeye pilots the craft into the cave and lands it down inside the hanger. Hudson drives along the road, finally arriving at the entrance of the cave.

Kate Kestrel:

This is where we part ways, Hudson.


Be seeing you, Ms. Kate. Until the next time.

Kate leaves, shutting the door behind her. Hudson drives off as Kate embarks aboard her vessel. We see her inside Hawkwing at her control console, ready for action.


All set, Kate?

Kate Kestrel:

10-10, Hawkeye.

The craft blows smoke as it rises up in the air and spins around to fly outside of the cave. Once outside, Kate and Hawkeye fly their ship around the cave entrance and speeds through the air to follow the Battlehawk. The craft flies to the left of the screen.


ETA to White House now ten minutes. We will be arriving in time with Battlehawk to Washington.

We see the American White House in view. A special helipad is prepared for at Washington International Airport for the ships to arrive at, as the White House was expecting the Terrahawks to arrive. We see the Battlehawak flying through the sky with Ninestein, Mary, and Zero aboard. Hawkwing flies close behind. The Battlehawk crosses the Potomac River with the airport in close proximity.

Dr. Ninestein:

Start descent now, Mary.

The Battlehawk begins descending down towards the airport. Inside the craft, preparations are made for touch down and we hear over the radio...

Washington International Control, this is the Terrahawks. Do we have clearance to touch down?

Washington International Control:

Control to Terrahawks, you have permission. Use Terminal 2 for vertical touchdown.

The craft begins touching down, headed for an area of tarmac where a number of jets are parked in their bays for.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Hudson will be standing by, sir.

The Battletank blasts its engines as the craft touches down on the ground as the engines cut. Hawkwing flies through the sky travelling left to the screen. Inside the craft, we see Kate Kestrel flying her craft and hears Ninestein communicating to her on the radio.

Dr. Ninestein:

You have full clearance to land, Mary. Park beside Battlehawk on Terminal 2.

Kate Kestrel:

Copy that, Tiger.

The craft starts heading downwards. Hawkeye lands down beside Battlehawk and the ship's engines cut. Hudson drives from the edge of the airport to pick up Ninestein and his friends. Ninestein and Mary get up from their seats and begin leaving.


Our car will be arriving soon, Tiger.

Dr. Ninestein:

We can't be late for this appointment. It's far too important.

Zero jumps down from his stand and follows Ninestein and Mary. Hudson pulls up to the Terrahawk ships. Ninestein and the others have left their ships and congregate outside.

Kate, great to see you again. Sorry we had to cut short your rehearsal, but this is a matter of great urgency.

Kate Kestrel:

Forget it, Tiger. Shall we board?

The Terrahawk members begin boarding in another version of Hudson. We see the logo of Hudson inside the car as we hear the crew get inside. The men make way for the girls as Zero jumps up to the platform at the front of the car. The door shuts.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Battlehawk and Hawkwing will be placed under maximum security from Washington, sir.

Dr. Ninestein:



Where to now, sir?

Dr. Ninestein:

The White House, Hudson. And make it snappy.

The car begins setting off along the road, driving out of the airport and heading down the carriageway to arrive at the White House. Zero watches out of the window for the busy traffic, whereas the other members of the Terrahawks relax in the back.

I reckon we will be arriving back on schedule.


We're nearly there, sir.

Hudson drives along a quiet road with the American White House in sight. The Terrahawks crew look at the wonderful site of the House. The car finally arrives outside the entrance, parking appropriately for the passenger's exit.

We have arrived.


Good driving, Hudson.

Security guards open the doors for the car and the Terrahawks are politely led out to walk along the red carpet. Zero bounces out and rolls along the floor with the other members of the Terrahawks. The doors to Hudson are shut, and the crew of the Terrahawks are led inside the White House...

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