🌄 December 25, 20XX: Christmas 🌄

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"Have you found him yet?!"

"No! No sign of him whatsoever!" I yelled while landing from FrosVelgrmon.

"Damn it! Where the **** did he go?!" Mecha snarled. "We saw him here before you guys found Darcmon! She was just standing there too!"

"Does that mean that Darcmon was covering for MetalFantomon? Was the mastermind behind this too....?" Uju asked.

"Forget about that! We HAVE to get those presents back!" Ayame said. "The kids have been looking forward to it!!"

"I agree, but we also need to understand where he's going to strike and why he's doing this," Dad pointed out.

"If he is really Beom-halabeoji's partner, then... I don't know why he would do this..." Uju looked a bit worried as she rubbed her arm. "I remember he was really kind..."

"Maybe someone is controlling him like how Darcmon was controlled," SS Keita offered. "She did say that she met someone who looked priestly with a crown on her head."

"The only one who could fit that is... Phasceatmon," Hiro said.

"But why would they want to steal presents like this?" Keisuke asked. "It makes no sense."

I decided to check on Lirurun again, hoping to find an update on the situation to help us understand his movements.

I marked it down; from the hospital, it seemed that he was... Turning? Why would he be turning around?

I frowned. "Hey, Robinhoodmon, did Beom-san have any special relationship with the church where we fought Darcmon and the train station?"

"That was his church while he was in Japan. He and Young would go there every Sunday... And the train station... That was where we all met up with the others before their deaths."

"What about the other locations then?"

"I... Don't know, but right now, the way he's turning around is even more perplexing."

I frowned as I tapped my pen on my notebook again. What could MetalFantomon want? Why take presents-

Hang on...

Charcoal... That was an old way of punishing naughty kids.

Ghosts of Christmas, they... Help people appreciate Christmas more... And MetalFantomon was technically a ghost.

Krampus... Punishes the kids for being naughty, and the Grinch... Wants to take Christmas away.

Presents. What you normally get on Christmas Day!

And Phasceatmon's words about everyone having logs in their eyes...!

"The charcoal was left behind to signify the old tradition for naughty kids! Phasceatmon thinks that everyone is naughty so they're having MetalFantomon play the role of the Grinch to ruin Christmas!!" I realised.

"What?!" Hiro's eyes widened.

"Not even kids are exempt from that madman's beliefs...?" Tenade hissed. "What the **** is wrong with them?!"

"We don't actually know much about them though..." Touma pointed out. "They just showed up during your talk with the Appmon right?"

"Yeah, but... I don't know if they have a connection to the Codes. It's just that the way they carried themself was very reminiscent of Hubris," I answered.

"Well, I think we can theorise Phasceatmon is the one behind both of them thanks to Darcmon then. Not set in stone, but a theory," Semo-sensei spoke.

"How did they show up in the Net Ocean, though? Could they have a tie to Leviathan and Minerva?" Koutarou asked.

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