🌄 December 24, 20XX: Gift Exchange 🌄

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"Is he going to be fine?" I asked Mummymon. 

He frowned as he shed his lab coat. "I do not know. The data seems to have suddenly spiked. I fail to understand the cause behind it, so I am afraid Pump will have to stay here for the day. Thank goodness MarinAngemon and Lucemon managed to hold it at bay for a while."

"We're busy anyway, so we can't really have any Christmas Eve stuff," Hiro said. "Please keep an eye on Pump, Mummymon."

"Very well. Is it yet another Perfectio member?" He asked.

"Another challenge. It's Amato-kun," I answered. "Hopefully the presents are with him."

"This is pretty bad. Miasmamon is a very tough opponent and we're going in without a lot of ammunition." Jang frowned. "Amato's main weapon is his imagination, and Miasmamon embodies that really well... Ruri, you have to be careful here."

"Why did you even assign her to Amato, meow? Why not Aoi, considering they're cousins?" Yeong asked.

"Ruri has something that Amato will struggle against," Mika said firmly. "My girlfriend will beat him, for sure."

"Hey, Amato isn't that easy to beat," Tianheng snarked. "Don't count your Digitama before they hatch.

"Sir, whose side are you on?"

"I... am on both sides."

We all just sweatdropped in reply. Gosh, that was so vague it was adorable.

"You're so whipped for Amato," Uju teased with a smile on her face. 

"Uju!!" He covered his face. "It's not...! Why would I?! Why would I even!?" 

"Your face tells us all," Jellymon said while snickering. 

The others all burst out laughing, but my eyes still wandered to look inside the quarantine room, where Pumpmon was sleeping peacefully despite the aura surrounding him. 

I turned to Ichita. "Be honest. How bad is it?"

"If the aura can be seen by everyone, that's a danger signal on its own. And... the darker the color is, the worse the condition," he answered while looking away. "I... I am so sorry, Eos-san. I know that you've made peace with that, but..."

"No, I have. It's just... I want to know as much as I can so I can respond correctly," I said. "I don't want Pump to suffer when he dies. Let me know if it's lethal, okay?"

"Of course," he promised. "I wouldn't lie about this, Eos-san."

"That's... really good. Thank you, Ichita-kun." 

"No problem. You deserve closure for this."

I sighed, my eyes still trained on Pump when a hand placed itself on my shoulder. "Hey, Eos."

"Hey. Anything on your end?" I turned to Uju. 

"I've been researching about the Codes," she said. "We could try using the accessories you found, but the data is really integrated into him."

"Oh..." I closed my eyes slightly. "I... see."

"We need to know where you got that DIM card from," Blues said while walking over. "Only then can we determine how to extract it if possible."

"I... I really don't know. The DIM card was with the Digivice when I found it at home," I admitted. "But it was a pumpkin DIM card. I don't even know who gave me the Digivice or the DIM Card. Mei would know, though."

"Are we sure Mei would know? Even she has her limits."

"We could try," I decided, getting my phone out and texting her, 'Hey, Mei, do you know who gave us our Digivices and DIM cards?'

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