🌄 December 04, 20XX: Yuletide 🌄

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"Uju!!" I waved him over while he jogged over. He was now wearing a blue sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, baggy dark blue jeans with purple straps on the sides, and blue shoes, and I couldn't help but smile at this look.

He looked pretty awesome, in conclusion. "That's a nice look you have there!"

"Thanks! It was what one of my grandfathers used!" He smiled back, but then he froze as what he said seemed to settle in. "A-Ah wait I meant-"

"It's okay, I know a good amount of people who were born thanks to technology," I said with a laugh. Examples: Mikado Yuga and Kurouzu Light. "So don't worry too much. That's actually pretty awesome!"

His eyes immediately brightened up at that. "T-Thanks! Not a lot of people get it."

"Well, I won't judge, like how you didn't judge me, so we're even." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "But enough about that. We should head in. You said you wanted to see backstage?"

He nodded up and down like a bobblehead. "I heard that Karan Eri was going to be performing! And Reflectz! I love their voices and songs so much!!"

A die-hard fan, huh? "Well, I hope you really enjoy meeting them. They're really awesome. Just... Be nice to Reflectz."

"Huh?" He blinked, but I gently took his hand and led him into the stadium. I didn't want him to get lost. Plus, I did need the courage to face the others... Especially Gami and Jiji.

The stadium itself was already starting to fill up, not just with people from our place and the other main worlds, but also from times we had interacted with. I tried to keep a low profile, though. I had a feeling that if anyone saw me, it would genuinely ruin the concert.

We soon reached backstage and Shin Kisaragi Zanya gave me a nod before letting me in. I was honestly expecting access denied or something, but I wasn't about to look at a gift horse in the mouth.

The backstage area, though... It was chaos. Everyone was either running left and right or just chilling on the sofas, but then Gami noticed me and gave a relieved sigh as they jogged over. "I was wondering where you were."

"You were worried for me?" I blinked in surprise.

"Hey, we all do," Yumegatari Mel spoke up as she looked up from adding make-up to Eri. "It's just that it's been a hard few days."

More me than you, but okay, I sighed. "Anyway, Gami, I want to introduce you to someone, if it's okay. This is Tak Uju. He helped me out with yesterday's case and we decided to hang out today!"

"Oh! So you're EcoTeamMember?" They gasped. "I've been wanting to meet you! You actually took an interest in solving cases, right? Then you and Makua would work well together!"

"Eh?" He blinked, seemingly disoriented from the onslaught. "I... Erm, thanks? That's really awesome, Gami-sshi."

I laughed a bit. Oh he was so cute when he was clueless. "Uju, Kagami is Reflectz."

He stared at me for five minutes before he gasped and covered his face. "I-I'm so sorry! I'm a huge fan, b-but!"

"Chillax, not many people recognize me out of the streams due to... Well..." They gestured to their body. "I was born AFAB so..."

"Ah, I see... Forgive me, I didn't mean to intrude," he apologised.

"Why are you apologising?" They laughed, adjusting their white shirt as they continued, "It's normal, like I said. Plus, that's one of the nicer reactions I get. Others are less accepting."

"I-I... See... I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Uju, it's not your fault people are ****ty," I said. "Don't worry, we make sure to support Gami a lot. Also, they're our age so you don't have to use honorifics."

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