🌌 January 04, 20XX: Epilogue 🌌

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"MAKUA!" I was tackled by Hiro, Jiji and Gami plus the pets, which made me smile as I hugged them back.

"Wow, I think I have a newfound appreciation for Noboru. That was not easy." Shin Tasuku wiped sweat off his forehead.

Akira-san nodded. "Man, that took so long, but it was worth it. The faces of all those ****ers who kept on demanding that Haneul should just commit suicide were so satisfying when the verdict was given."

"After examining the... Various evidence," The judge paused as he looked at the huge group, which made me want to hit my head on the wall due to how ****ING EMBARRASSING they were. "We have decided that while their actions were law-breaking, they had only gotten into it due to the actions of a... Pascatmon? Is that a cat?" He was squinting at the paper too.

"Not a cat. A really ****ed up humanoid Digimon. Gemini was better than her," Shin Baku said with a dark face.

Team Demigod nodded in agreement.

"I... Will need a full debrief after this," He said while rubbing his temple. "I have never taken on such a bizarre case like this before."

"Good. We're the first then," Mei said with a grin.

I actually hit my head against the table here, which Shin Noboru snorted at. "This insanity is normal. Just be thankful that it's not them against some poor civilian."

"They would break their mind just for the sheer fun of it with all the info we have. Just reality shattering." I didn't look up. "Your Honour, please just end my suffering."

"Right. Well, after a thorough examination, we have determined that the defendant, Akashiro Eos, who has also changed their name to Haneul Scirocco, is..."

Everyone held their breath. I was not confident that I would win. This was murder, after all, so...

Still, watching the others wait in bated breath made me want to hope, just a tiny bit, so I thought, 'Lord... Please may the verdict be according to Your will. Thank you, in Jesus' Name, Amen.'

Going to church had taught me how to pray, which... Would hopefully help me when I went to priso-

"We... Have found Haneul Scirocco INNOCENT and an unwilling accomplice to Pascatmon's evil."

My head shot up. Shin Noboru gasped.


"While, of course, the killing was committed, we found that they had been emotionally manipulated into doing so, and thus we rule them innocent, with the punishment of returning all the money they had made from assassinations, rehabilitation and therapy for a year, and a probation period of another year."

There was an uproar. People were screaming about how I had to pay, and one even said, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST JUMP OFF A ****ING CLIFF ALRE-"

"ORDER IN THE COURT!" the judge roared, and there was silence. "No matter the situation, telling someone to kill themselves is out of the question. Suicide is a very serious problem, and they are no longer killing, which should be a testimony to how they have grown. As a result, I would like the audience to shut their ****ing mouths."

Mei was clapping while Yuga whooped. "Oh my Dragod I LOVE THIS DUDE!!"

And the rest of the Mystic Detectives cheered and roared.

I couldn't hold back the tears as I bowed to him. "Thank you... So so much..."

He smiled, and Manami Yukichi answered, "You have worked hard, Haneul. Keep up the good work."

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