The Truth(Part-2)

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So,in logical speaking,Venti and (Y/n) met during this time.

But why is he looking at (Y/n) with these affectionate eyes.

"Oh..yes,I know her very well.We even share some secrets."
Venti said.

Aether's eyes widened in shock.

Could it be they are in some kind of relationship?

As the traveller who crossed many worlds,he knew that in some world there is love between mortal girl and god.

It's look like that this world is not an exception.

But (Y/n) is his first crush!

Paimon patted Aether's shoulder with sad face.This is hard,isn't?.

"Ahem ,don't be overthinking.We are just friends.It's is common for friend to share some secrets."
Venti noticed Aether's expression and explained.

"I am not overthinking.I was thinking about my sister!"
When Aether heard Venti's words,his eyes immediately brightened.

The System, who is recording silently their conversation to show to (Y/n) when she wake up ,stopped for a moment.

{Should I delete this part?It's seem that both of them are interested in my Host.}
The System muttered.
"Now,I answered all of your questions.It's time for me to rest."
Venti said.He need to rest to cure the wound left by cutting connection with Gnosis.

He suddenly lowered his head and gently kissed (Y/n)'s forehead under the eyes of Aether and Paimon.


"You!What are you doing?!How dare you take advantage of (Y/n)?!"
The first one to react is Paimon.

As for Aether,he already unsheathed his dull blade to punish this evil being.

Sure enough,this is my rival in love!

"Ehe~Goodbye.Please take care of (Y/n) for me!"
Venti ignored their killing intents and disappeared without a trace.
(Three Days Later)

Sitting on the sofa and sipping the coffee,(Y/n) is now thinking about problems during these days.

Three day ago,
when she wake up,she is in her room.The Neighbor said that she was carried by the Honorary Knight.

(Y/n) remembered she passed out because she saw something.But she can't remember it.

This is the first problem.

The second problem appeared after she watched the recording from the System.

She learned about this world is completely or little different from the Genshin lore that she knew.

Signora's lore is completely different from what she knew.Abyss creature possession?The Forbidden One or the Goddess that don't exist in the original story existed  in this world.

This sound like a fanfic.

Moreover,Venti kissed her forehead!

This is the most difficult problem for (Y/n).

If she remembered correctly,they only met for one day.Not to mention that she did something very embarrassing to him.

How could he give away his Gnosis and kiss my forehead?!

Something is definitely happening without her knowing.She can feel it.

"System!Why are you so quiet?You must know something,say it!"

{Host,it's seem that I can't hide you anymore.Yes,I know the truth.The truth of why you are here.}
The System sighed.

"The truth....then tell me what is it?"

{I can't.The Main System set so many restrictions on me.Only by doing missions,I can reveal you the truth bit by bit.Host,if you agree to do missions in the future,I can tell you very useful information.}

"I see.Then,why don't you tell me earlier that I need to do the missions."

{I just don't want to pressure you.I planned to tell you slowly in the future but I don't expect that you will stop doing missions.}

"I....I agree to do the missions.Now tell me quickly."
(Y/n) said.She need to know why she is here and why this world is different.

{You come here by yourself.}
The System said slowly.

"What?!Impossible!I was doing commissions on my way home and suddenly got transported here.Besides,I don't have that kind of power."
(Y/n) can't believe the System's word.

{But this is truth.Do you want to know more?}

"I want to know."

{I will tell you in the future,Host.So,please do more mission.So that I can reveal the truth slowly to you.}

(Y/n) replied.In short,if she want to know the truth,she need to do the missions.Besides,the system said that she come here by herself.

But how?

(Y/n) seem to found the new goal in this world.

A/n:Hello everyone.I am really sorry for late update.

At first,I want to name this two chapters as The God Of Freedom 1 & 2 but I changed my mind while I am writing this.

Thank you for reading this story.

Merry Christmas.

Pretending To Be MysteriousOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz