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(Sorry to anyone who finds the 'romance' in this chapter cringe this is my first time writing something like this.)  

Soon the police and ambulances arrived, and Shoto and Y/n were stationed in the same ambulance due to their relatively minor injuries, despite the protests of Endeavor the two were taken to the hospital, in the same ambulance. On the trip there the two discussed their experiences that night and Y/n informed Akaza of the situation not to worry his mother.

Y/n: "I'm tellen you, the wound is fine nothings gonna happen." 

Shoto: "I don't care! You should check it to see if Stain's quirk, blood demon art, or whatever has lasting effects."

Y/n looked over at her with a smile on his now scarred mouth. He then plans a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: "Fine I'll have the doctors look at it. But only because I hate seeing you all upset."

Shoto chuckled and grabbed Y/n's hand.

Y/n: "You know, when I was young and couldn't use Akaza's blood demon art I initially thought about becoming a doctor and giving my patients my blood to heal their injuries."

Shoto: "Why didn't you go through with it?"

Y/n rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Y/n: "Akaza and I didn't know how to make a cure for the demon transformation."

Shoto chuckles before yawning and stretching.

Y/n: "You seem tired."

Shoto looks at him and rolls her eyes, before drowsily replying.

Shoto: "Well not all of us are monsters of the night you foul demon."

Y/n: "Well, don't you know we demons eat beautiful women like you?"

Shoto grew flustered and her face gained a new tint of red.

Y/n: "Maybe I can test my new forked tongue and see how you taste." 

Shoto attempted to retort but Y/n's eyes entranced her mind as they rhythmically changed colors.  

Remembering the events during the Sports Festival her blush spread and darkened. 

Shoto: "Wait did you say forked?" 

Y/n: "Yeah want to help me test it?" 

Shoto: "I .. I.You know what fine!" 

With that Shoto wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck and pulled him closer. 

The two of them stared deeply into the eyes of the other, slowly being consumed by a form of love neither of them had ever felt before.

Y/n: "I never thought I'd find myself a girlfriend at UA, let alone one this powerful." 

Shoto: "Ju... Jus... Shut up and kiss me already." 

Y/n: "With pleasure." 

With those words, the two of their lips met and their hearts were enveloped in a surge of indescribable emotion, the moment felt like it would last indefinitely but the ambulance stopped and they heard the EMTs exit the vehicle.

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