A NewDrive. Class meets Eri

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(For the cavalry battle replace Hatsume with Y/n and any time she used her hover boots Y/n jumps also in the race Y/n got 4th)

Y/n: "Great job picking off that other head band Tokoyami." He says while partially laughing at Bakugo's rage and Deku's tears.

He then noticed that Shoto was gone he wanted to look for her but Akaza called him to eat with his family.

In a cafeteria

Eri: "You were so cool! Especially when! She proceeded to describe the entire cavalry battle in random order.

Y/n then gets a feeling deep in his gut that something is about to go down so he gets up looks at his parents who both nod in understanding and he leaves.

Camera cuts to Deku and Icyhot

Shoto: "Midoriya are you All Might's secret love child or something?"

Before the green haired boy could react an almost villainous cackling was heard to the left of the Deku.

Y/n then walks into view clutching his stomach and almost falling over.

Y/n: "And I didn't know you were a comedian."

Shoto: "I wasn't joking."

Y/n turns to her with

Y/n turns to her with

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This face

Y/n: "How the fuck (English) did you come to that conclusion?"

Shoto: "There quirks give off the same feeling."

Y/n: "Yeah so does my shockwaves and Bakugo's explosions but we aren't brothers."

Midoriya: "Yeah that's not it at all butigetwhy."

Y/n: "So there is something between them."

Shoto realized the same thing calls him out and explained her origin she then leaves the two boys dumbfounded and one of them ready for bloodshed both begin to leave in the direction opposite to Shoto.

Y/n: ("I'm going to make that demon, no we demons aren't as evil as him, that monster will pay.")

Akaza: "(Calm yourself Y/n, I don't what caused this sudden inferno of rage but you can not let it control you.)"

Y/n stops breathes in, he remembers almost killing a villain in Arizona when he last let his anger get best of him.

Y/n: "Hey Midoriya?"

Midoriya: "What is it Y/n?"

Y/n: "First promise me that you will try to save her."

Midoriya nods with a look of determination on his face.

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