Ch 3: Welcome to UA start of the USJ invasion

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Deku POV

Izuku has just finished passing the title of class representative to Iida who accepted humbly

Aizawa: "Alright today's training will be a little bit different you will have three myself, All might, and another will be keeping tabs on you."

Sero: "Sir what kind of training is this?

Aizawa then pulled out a card labeled rescue as everyone begins to talk among themselves he speaks

Aizawa: "I wasn't finished first you can decide on whether or not you wear your hero costumes also; an exchange student will be permanently joining our class you will meet them at the off campus facility we will take a bus to get there so get ready."

As the students of 1-a all prepare to board the bus something lands in front of them

Aizawa: "Why are you here, Nezu said you would be at the facility."

?: "Sorry I wanted to meet my classmates before I started training with them, see who I could trust."

Deku: "He's almost the same height as Shoji and his accent he spoke Japanese so fluently but he sounds American also what is with the eye patch." He was then cut off by the boy.

?: "Oi green haired boy, we got a problem? Why are you staring at me?"

Deku: "Oh no no nono wedonthaveaproblem itsjustnotcommon to."

?: "Jesus man"(in English) "I was just messing with you, the names l/n Y/n but please call me y/n."

Every thing continues as expected
Y/n pov

Iida: "This bus ruined my strategy."

Y/: "You need to chill it's just a bus." He says while chuckling.

Asui: "If we are pointing out the obvious (she turns to the green one) Midoriya your power is super similar to All Mights."

Y/n sits up to listen to the conversation

(So he must have some kind of super strength)

Y/n: (Possibly Akaza sensei, Midoriya seems to have been startled by her statement)

Kirishima: "Wait Tsu, All might doesn't hurt himself that makes a huge difference."

Y/n and Akaza: (he's clueless)

Kirishima: "Still with all the flashy stuff he can do with his quirk, my hardening is super strong but it's not that impressive."

Y/n: "That means nothing you know being a hero isn't all fame and cool powers, with a defensive and offensive match made in heaven you can be one of the best heroes if you train hard enough."

Kirishima: "You really think so thanks man!"

Y/n: "Don't mention it"

French looking dude: "My navel laser got the perfect combination of panache and strength."

Aliens: "But it's really lame if it gives you a stomach ache."

Kirishima: "If any one of the class has pro level quirks it has to be todoroki and bakugou, wait Y/n what's your quirk?"

Everyone then goes quiet and looks to me

Y/n: "I call it SUPERIOR CELLS my body produces cells different from the normal body allowing hyper regeneration,super strength, and when combined with a fighting style my ancestors created I can create shock waves."

Glasses: "I also have a question why do you have those tattoos on your wrists and that eye patch?"

Y/n: "They are not tattoos they are burns from before I mastered my quirk and the eye patch is to cover a wound again from before my quirk manifested."

Iida: "My apologies I did not mean to offend you in any way."

Y/n: "Chill man, despite being from Arizona I'm not hot blooded."

Aizawa: "Hey were here everyone get ready."

As everyone got off the bus, we were greeted by the pro heroine 13 and she gave a speech about the facility and how dangerous quirks can be if used incorrectly.

Y/n then walks up to the stairs of the facility

Y/n: "Aizawa do you feel that?"

Aizawa: "No what are" he spins around and looks.

A portal starts to open and villains flood into the facility

Kirishima: "Has the training started already?"

Y/n: "Everyone get ready to run these are real villains."

The blue haired leader of the group smiled a crusty smile as his forces pushed forward.

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