End of the Festival! (Edited)

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Y/n sits up to find Deku, Uraraka, Tsu, and Shoto standing around him.

Y/n: "So what did I miss?"

Shoto: "Not much, how was the nap?"

Y/n chuckled and got out of the bed he was resting in.

Y/n: "Man, that shit felt like it took forever." (English)

Shortly after arriving at the winner's podium, Y/n noticed Bakugo was staring at him with enough intensity to split concrete.

Y/n: "What, you mad you lost?"

Bakugo: "Shut up!"

Y/n: "Well thanks for letting me go all out."

(Skip Tokoyami and end the video at 1:34)

All Might: "Young Bakugo! It's too bad you couldn't make due on the promise you made during the pledge."

Bakugo growls and All Might back away.

All Might: "Geez he's kind of scary like that."

All Might then approaches Y/n with his

All Might: "And you, Young Y/n congrats on your victory, but might I ask why did you hold back so much until the final round?"

Y/n: "I didn't fully understand my new ability till then."

All Might: "Oh, I see."

All Might step down to address the rest of the crowd.

All Might: "Everyone these three are our winners this year, but this could be you in the future so don't lose hope and faith in yourself."

All Might they says something about the future of the next hero generation and he attempted to get a chant going but.

All Might: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Crowd: "Plus Ultra!"

The crowd starts yelling at All Might, Y/n, and Bakugo look at each other both struggling not to laugh. 

After the awards ceremony, Y/n and Shoto left to explore the rest of the festival.

Y/n: "So yeah turn's out the Serpent and Love Hashira reincarnated had a kid then died... again." 

Shoto: "Wait, who is the kid, and how do you know this?"

Y/n: "Well, their souls reached out to me right after our 'interaction' in the locker room, and turns out that kid is me."

Shoto: "Well, I guess we are connected in even more ways than we thought."

Y/n: "Oh I almost forgot I can finally make it to the same level as Akaza!"

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