Leaving a Mark on the World

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Tokoyami was moved into the nurses office as Y/n returned to his class but on his way he ran into Endeavor.

Y/n attempts to walk past but stops when he feels a hand placed on his shoulder.

Endeavor: "I'm only going to say this once boy, I don't care what your connection with my daughter is but if you get in her."

Y/n then grabs the pro's wrist, turns to look at him and smirks.

Y/n: "It's astounding how you think you can boss me around, when I know exactly how to take you down."

Endeavor then feels something on his chest and looks down to see Y/n's fist right in front of his heart.

Y/n: "Not only could I end you before anyone could notice, I have this thing called the internet."

Endeavor: "And what does that have to do with this?"

Y/n: "I thought you were smarter than that (English). I have proof of what you did to your family especially Shoto, with that and the fact you already have the rep of being angry and aggressive as a hero."

Y/n grows to a hulking 7 feet tall and looks down at the inferno pro.

Y/n: "If you do anything to your family or try to get in my way again the media will be the least of your concern."

Y/n then let's go of  Endeavor's wrist and walks away.

As Y/n gets out of Endeavor's view Y/n opens a door to the fortress and bold through.

Y/n: "I need food, using the mist like that drains me more than I expected."

Present Mic: "Y/n l/n second quirk demon mist! With this mist Y/n gains a strength boost to his shock waves and the ability to teleport anywhere the mist has spread. He can also change its color and shape the mist into anything he can think of. The mist of used to much may cause Y/n's demonic hunger to overwhelm him so he has to eat a ton of food after using it."

Y/n then spends thirty minutes finding and eating food until.

Akaza: "(Y/n where are you?)"

Y/n then realized just how long he had been eating for, he then opened a door back to the sports festival. He exits the door and speeds down the hallway only to stop right near the entrance.

Shoto: "There you are, the final was supposed to start three minutes ago!"

Y/n: "I'm sorry I had to eat."

Shoto looked at him like he was a crazy man then sighed.

Shoto: "Well before your match I just wanted to wish you luck."

Y/n: "Thanks but, I won't need it."

Shoto: "Oh is that so?" 

Y/n smirked and began to walk into the arena and Shoto begins to leave as well.

Y/n: "Hey Shoto! After this how about we grab some lunch!"

Shoto turns and chuckles.

Shoto: "Sure but probably not right after the festival."

Y/n nods then heads into the battlefield.

Present Mic: "Finally, we can start our next match!"

Reincarnated Destruction (Mha x male upper moon reader)Where stories live. Discover now