Sports Festival Begins and New Powers Revealed

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As the week of training came to an end Shoto and Y/n return to U.A ready to take home the crown. The other students noticed how some visual improvement in each other. Everyone had been gathered in a waiting room everyone was making small talk.

Mineta: "So Y/n what's up with you and Todoroki?"

As Y/n was about to answer but Shoto seems to declare war on Midoriaya. Bakugo gets pissed and yells at the two, then he turns to Yn with a look of rage.

Bakugo: "And you, you better come at this with all you've got you hear! I'm not gonna win in some half assed way!" He grabs the Phoenician by the collar as he screams.

Y/n chuckles and grabs the angry durian by the wrist and he begins to slowly apply pressure until.

Midnight: "Will all first year students report too the stadium."

With that a mist was released from Y/n's back and arms as he cackled before vanishing. He then reappears right in front of the tunnel exit waiting for his class

Mina: "Holy crap, how did he get out here so fast?"

Midoriaya then began mutter, theorizing that due to Y/n's super strength or maybe the mist that he let out.

Bakugo is then called to give his speech which ends up pissing everyone out and in Class 1-a off.

Kirishima: "Man why did he have to say that, he just painted a giant target on all of our backs!"

Y/n: "He is just stating his goals if they get mad he doesn't care."

Midnight then announces first round would be a race and all participants need to gather at the starting line

All the students got into position but only Midoriaya noticed the sudden temperature drop the the slowly increasing mist, he wondered what his classmates would do.

Then the start of the race was the signaled

Present Mic: "It seems we are already off to a pulse racing start!"

Aizawa: "Why do I have to be here?"

Present Mic: "With all these incredible first years is there anything we should be paying attention to mummy man?"

Aizawa: "The door way."

Shoto instantly freezes most of the other students with her ice.

Present Mic: "Woah she's one the audience should pay attention to if she can pull stuff like that!"

Y/n: "That was a good strategy except for one part."

She looks to her left but her classmate had already bolted past her.

Kirishima: "It's gonna take a lot more to stop me!"

Momo: "You shouldn't underestimate us Todoroki!"

Momo: "You shouldn't underestimate us Todoroki!"

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