"Aye, a female is not so scary, but it is the males you need to look out for. Although females do stare and find a thrill seeing one naked or when they smell another animal is hormonal themselves, they won't be rough or be mad." Thorin looks up and finds her turning away with her tail in her hands fiddling with the fur at the end. Her body motions scream she is uncomfortable.

"Alright enough lads. You know now so drop it. Satyrs find the topic very sensitive even between themselves since they fear their own inner animal." Ori innocent as he is, look up and asks a question that is way different, and many are glad for the change of topic.

"Iris, is there a difference between your fur and antlers? How could you tell the difference between male and female?" Iris looks down at them and holds a frown.

"Um, there is." Her voice is a soft whisper. Thorin looks up as she turns shy. He has never seen her so timid. "You can tell the difference between our kin with our antlers. Some of our horns are curled like a mountain goat, and tall antlers like mine are from a deer or caribou. My friend Brawn had big moose antlers and he is much more ferocious. The heat effects are included. Moose are mean and stubborn, more stubborn than an angry dwarf so their libido is one we females have to hide from unless there is a female moose Satyr. Only the same breed of Satyr can handle the opposite sex. If a goat satyr would find a deer satyr, then the deer needs to have a fit body to run fast and away from the goat. It is quite the dangerous time when we get into our heat cycles." Her hands fiddle with her tail twirling it over and over around her wrist.

"What about the male and female differences?" Bifur asks.

"Females are slim and more elegant as we run and walk. We stand straight and might be more fragile than the male. Our antlers are also smaller than a male's. Males are tall, their knees are more bent as they walk with a small hunch with their upper body. Their faces are more scrunched up, grunting and defensive. Anyone new they have not seen before like bilbo, for example, the male would be very jumpy." Iris jumps down and shows how a male would act.

She bends her body, tucks her arms close, and walks softly and tense around Bilbo sniffing the air a few times. The dwarves chuckle when Iris pokes her antler gently of course at Bilbo's shoulder and then her finger before leaping away.

"Wow," Ori says in awe.

"Yeah and us females, well, we would do this which is very funny come to think of it." They watch as Iris walks with her back and legs straight. She would look at Bilbo before bending her torso, tucking her arms tight like a male except loose without the curled fists. She walks around Bilbo and sniffs closer than the male would do. Iris's hand weave through Bilbo's hair before she boldly sits behind him and begins playing. "Females are curious and have a motherly nature so any creature like Bilbo who is shy and timid and resembles a youngling, a female would be more kind and welcoming. The male would stand off, possibly where Thorin is and has his arms crossed grunting when he doesn't approve of something."

"What if you show you are a threat?" Dwalin stands with his axe making Iris laugh.

"If a male is around, you best run or drop your weapon and fall down on your stomach laying flat on the ground. If there is no female and you face only a male satyr, sometimes yelling a battle cry would scare a male who is thin and young. But I warn you all now if you ever come across a buff broad, and tall satyr who straightens himself with his chest puffed, you must not walk near them or even make eye contact. The stance," Iris shows an example. "shows the satyr's rank as an alpha. Never ever challenge an alpha satyr or else you will get killed."

"I think I can handle him." Dwalin scoffs. Iris's lower lip biting sends voices of doubt into his mind. She shakes her head and Dwalin lowers his ax.

"No, you can't. An alpha has trained day by day in hitting his entire body against a tree and only when they knock a whole tree down can they obtain the alpha rank. They are hard as a rock and hard to even nudge from their stiff defensive stance."

"What about if an arrow lodges in him?" Fili asks.

"That is another thing that you should be careful of. The alpha muscles turn tough, tough as a bull's hide. An arrow will pierce only the skin but it won't hurt or kill them. It will anger him and you best be running for your life or apologize right away groveling to appeal and not have your neck snapped by his bare hands."

"you make it sound like you have seen it," Thorin comments listening intently to the story.

"I have and it is scary. My alpha of the woodland satyrs was a huge beast. He was a moose satyr with a huge rack on his head, black fur, and silver eyes. Just him walking by you get a cold shiver down your spine. Even my father being the leader of our mountain pack turned his neck and bared submission to this alpha." The dwarves see the fear and terror in Iris's eyes and they hope they never meet an alpha satyr.

"Alright, enough of the stories. We turn in now to wake at first light." Thorin break the storytelling and allowed everyone to rest. He sits by the same tree to keep watch. He glances up to watch Iris leap back up into the tree, and lay on her stomach on the branch with her tail wrapped around the bark to keep her from falling.

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Where stories live. Discover now