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Tommy had been adopted by a nice family but he couldn't trust them the last time that happened

Your quite the beauty you know that?

Tommy shook slightly but his new family noticed but they didn't say anything which Tommy kinda liked about them

Tommy noticed after a few days of staying with the Watsons he noticed one of the boys had seemed to taken an interest to him

It was the pink haired one whom was named techno

He didn't really understand one why he ha Dan interest on him and two what was up with the weird names

Like who names their child techno

Kinda weird champ

Anyways the first reason why Tommy knew this was the first red flag was he was staring at him during meals or other times

Like he was analyzing him

Tommy didn't like it

Second was he was constantly around him so kinda weird

Now he's in his room staring at Tommy as he walked into his own room while he sat on Tommy's bed

This offended Tommy slightly

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" Tommy asked slightly angry

"Trying to figure you out" techno answered simply

"What the fuck does that mean!?" Tommy asked slightly more angry and confused

"One minute your annoying and angry then your calm and collected then your a bother or your just angry" techno said as he stood up and started to walk towards him

This frightened Tommy slightly and so he didn't say anything

"Like that you were angry and shouting but now your dead silent i don't get it." techno said still scanning Tommy for any clues

"Tommy what happened in your past foster homes?" He asked a slightly person question as he was now right next to the frightened boy who was slightly under height for his age (he's about 5'1 in this au sorry to the tall fans out there)

Tommy started to shake this made techno open his eyes slightly in a surprised manor

"They only want you when your 13 when your 16 your no fun.." is all Tommy said

Techno instantly knew what he was saying

Tommy had been sexually abused and mentally abused and molested by his past foster parents this expanded why he was so cautions about what he did and said around Phil and Wilbur not really techno as they had grown a slight bond

Techno noticed Tommy starting to have a break down and quickly shot into action

"Tommy can i touch you?" He asked as he knew it would cause more panic if he did without asking

Tommy nodded slightly and so techno slowly made predictable movements and hugged Tommy slightly as he tried to get Tommy to breathe normally

"Tommy following my breathing in for 4 hood for 5 and out for 6" techno said as he held Tommy to his chest as he started to cry

They repeated this action for some time as
Tommy slowly breathed normally but sobbed into techno chest as he was afraid and scared of his past foster parents finding him and trying to do things to him

Techno realized what Tommy was thinking and quickly shifted his thoughts to a book about a boy named Theseus

And so techno read the tale of Theseus to
Tommy who slowly shifted his thoughts to the hero like god

They stayed like this for a while with techno holding Tommy in his lap by the door (techno closed it for some privacy when the panic attack started) and Tommy in his lap holding onto his white button up shirt like a mere child who thinks he'll disappear

They stayed like that all night and into the morning

When they heard a knock techno slowly got up with Tommy still in his arms and carried him to the bed and opened the door to see Phil in the
doorway slightly worried looking

Techno shook his head and walked out the room closing the door and following Phil down for he living room to explain all that happened but with less details

TommyInnit one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now