The Young Piglin

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In this case Tommy is younger around 8 year old and is a piglin he gets to meet techno for the first time where techno decides to"this is mine now"


Tommy had been living in the nether ever since he was born he was often criticized due to him being smaller than his brothers

Currently Tommy was wandering around the mother looking for his favorite spot when he heard something the sound of people talking but it wasn't any language he heard in the netherworld

Tommy hid behind one of the nether trees and looked at two people who looked odd

There was one man much shorter than the other who had blonde hair and green clothes with amazing black feathered wings

The other looked to be a piglin like Tommy but what really caught his attention was the ✨Gold Crown✨ on his head

Tommy slowly stalled up them now behind the older piglin and stared at his crown
"Gold" he whispered quietly catching the two men's attention

"What? Oh who are you mate?" The crowed man asked curiously seeing the young Tommy

"Gold" whispers staring at the crown

"What?" The older piglin asked confused

"Gold" whispers quietly fully in his instincts

"Techno buddy i think he likes your crown" the crow says chuckling

"He's a piglin and he's young he's probably fully indulged in his instincts" the older piglin now named 'techno' says crouching down to the younger ones level

As Techno did this they both noticed how the younger ones eyes stayed glued to Techno's crown

"He must be deep in his instincts" the crow man says chuckling

"Hey kid you good?" Techno asks snapping his fingers in front of Tommy's eyes

"Gold" whispers quietly his eyes glued on the crown
"Want it" whispers making grabby hands wanting the crown

"You want my crown?" Techno asks raising an eyebrow

"Want it" says easily as Tommy's eyes sparkled and he got closer making grabby hands

"I'll let you narrow it if you speak to us" techno says sighing before taking his crown off and handing it to Tommy who took it instantly clutching it close and giggles quietly as his tail swayed back and forth happily

"Hey you're a piglin right kid?" Techno asks carefully to which Tommy nods his head still slinging tot he crown happily

"Do you know where the nearest fortress is?" The crow man asks curiously

Tommy nods his head he had just came from a nether fortress after all
he was still clinging to that gold crown clearly loving the gold

"Can you lead us to one?" Techno asked standing up to his tall full length

"What do i get out of it?" Asks curiously as he smirked
Piglin naturally had a mind of greed

The crow and techno looked at each other

"Have you ever left the nether?" The crow asked suddenly

Tommy tiled his head confused
He had never left the nether he heard of other places like the end and the overworld but he never even dreamed of leaving the nether

"How would you like to come with us to the overworld?" Techno asked noticing Tommy's confusion

"What?" Asks surprised as his clutch on Techno's gold crown loosened

"Come with us you have no family do you? You're much smaller than normal piglins so you probably get mocked for it don't you?" Techno said basically reading Tommy like a book

"You'll take me away from here? Do i get to keep the crown!?" Asks smiling brightly

"Uh no but maybe we can get your own crown" techno says suggesting easily

In the end Tommy agreed and led the three of them to the fortress than after they got what they wanted the two led Tommy to the overworld where his home would be

When Tommy first stepped foot in the snow he squealed confused and clambered up into techno's arm as Techno snorted amused

Tommy had never been anywhere even near this cold so it was expected he'd be confused and slightly scared

Ever since that day tommy had been introduced to 'Crow Father' named Philza or dadza and Wilbur who would be his brother

Tommy had become apart of their family and now stayed with them
He'd slowly grown accustomed to the snow and actually enjoyed playing in it and making snowmen

Currently outside there was a family of snow people because Tommy enjoyed making them

"Hey Tommy have to see my bucket hat?" Philza asked curiously

"Tommy did you take my beanie again?" Wilbur called out

"Tommy! Where's my crown again?" Techno called knowing Tommy stole it again

The three men looked at each other confused realizing they were all missing soemthing

Even though they had given Tommy his own crown he just couldn't resist snatching it away but he'd always returned it

"Oh! It's with the snow people!" Tommy said happily

Philza, Wilbur, and techno looked at him confused

"Here I'll show you!" Says happily running outside in the snow withy he others following making sure to grab their coats on the way

Once they followed Tommy outside they noticed him sitting in front of four snow people who oddly looked like the family

There was a crow person to start for with large wings and had one of Philza's bucket hat on its head

Next to him was a taller snow person with one of techno's capes and his crown on it

On the other side of the crow snow person was a taller figure but not as big as the one with the crown and it had Wilbur's beanie on it

Than in the very center of it all clinging to techno's side was a little snow person with a little crown on its head that anyone could tell who it was

Tommy Innit of the Minecraft family

The family stood there astonished

"It's beautiful Tommy" Philza whispered

Wilbur broke down into tears and hugged his little brother as Techno looked amazed before smiling gently and patting Tommy in the back

"Good job little piglin good job" says said smiling gently

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 29 ⏰

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