A different form of love

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First before anyone thinks this is a ship it's not Tubbo and Tommy are amazing friends and
Tommy grew up thinking as Tubbo like a younger brother

Tommy had been adopted again

He wasn't really happy so he just gave the silent treatment to the family of three that was fostering him and his social worker

Tommy never talked nor smiled once during meeting them

Then his social worker left

He was scared but didn't say nor change his blank face expression

"Tommy these are my sons whom were also adopted hopefully like you will some day" the blonde male said happily smiling

It was creepy to Tommy but he took in the names and faces and tried to remember them

"So Tommy since we're done with introductions want to see your new room?" "Phil" as he was been informed said to him

He didn't speak nor nod

"Just follow me mate and we'll give a slight toe with it" Phil said again taking the hint

He led Tommy up the stairs and to a blank door also explaining certain rooms to him that he took note on to never bother them

Once he entered his "room" he stared blankly at it but in his head it was pretty nice and he would enjoy it while he could

"We'll take you shopping tomorrow and hopefully get you in school the day after that" Phil informed him which he finally nodded his head in agreement

Starting schools easier then being stuck in this house

And that's what they did

The next day they took Tommy out for new clothes and items for his room including his new uniform

And after that Tommy was awoken for school the day after

He was excited mostly

Wilbur was driving him there and was going to lead him to his classes but he left him in the halls due to a "music practice" Tommy didn't believe in
He heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see his new "brother" walking up to him

"What are doing still here?" Techno as he had taken note of asked him finally close to him but in Tommy's opinion to close

Tommy took one step back while looking at the floor then looked back up at his step brother or just techno then spoke quietly

"Lost.." it was so quiet it was almost like a whisper but techno heard regardless he then held out his hand for his schedule that he was holding and so he handed it to him

"English room 38" techno said giving the paper back to him then walking away after giving a

"follow me" motion with his hand and so Tommy followed

Techno came to a door and knocked Then opened the door to a classroom

"New student got lost so he's head now simple mistake" techno said quickly defending Tommy after the teacher wasn't very kind about him being 10 minutes late

He then took a seat next to a boy with brown fluffy hair and a window which he quite enjoyed looking out of but then a note hit him

He opened it

Hey wanna sit with me at lunch and maybe i can show you around?

Is what the note said he looked over at the boy who was looking at him smiling

He nodded

So after class Toby as he learned showed him around and explained some of the other people like

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