The popular kid and the new kid

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Based on the beginning of the musical Heather but a little different

Tubbo is a new student at Esempi High School and he's pretty nervous as he's never been one of the new students and well he's not that good looking

Tubbo walked into his new school and knew this was going to be an issue
You see Tubbo isn't the very best at directions and the school is huge

Tubbo started walking around the school and tried to talk to someone and see where he should go to see the principle for his schedule

Tubbo walked over to a set of lockers and saw a boy who looked like his age and decided to give another shot at asking for directions

The boy had blonde hair and piercing Blue eyes that seemed as beautiful as the day sky his outfit consisted of a red turtleneck crop top so you could see he was pretty skinny and seemed to have abs then his pants were black and full of holes then his shoes were red converses

Tubbo walked up to the boy and tapped him on his shoulder but he was quite tall to be honest
The boy looked up from his phone and saw Tubbo and he seemed quite surprised

"Hello my names Toby i was wondering if you could lead me to the principles office I need to get my schedule" tubbo said slowly and quietly almost unheard

"Oh no hun you need a make over follow me!" The blonde haired boy then simply dragged poor Tubbo to the bathroom and started to talk about how he needed to take better care of his skin
The boy then grabbed a makeup bag and tried to start but Tubbo shoved him away

"What the hell man we just met all i asked was directions!?" Tubbo yelled as he was confused and scared

"How about this trust me with giving you a makeover and I'll lead you to wherever you need to go?" The blue eyes boy asked

"Fine but no makeup!" Tubbo said as he sat down in a random chair that just so happened to be in the bathroom

"What's even your name?" Tubbo asked

"The names Tommy Innit pleasure to meet cha tubbo" the new pronounced Tommy then started working on Tubbo's brown hair and curdling it with pencils while dripping it with water

"It's actually Toby-" Tubbo got cut off

"Tubbo sounds better though!" Tommy pouted as he continued with Tubbo and adding a little bit of makeup that was barely noticeable so Tubbo didn't feel uncomfortable

"Why do you think Tubbo sounds better?" Tubbo asked Tommy the blue eyed blonde

"Because you remind me of a friend who's name actually started with a T plus It's easier in my
opinion" Tommy said as he finished up on Tubbo

"And done!" Tommy Said happily as he had indeed finished

Tubbo looked in the mirror and couldn't believe it

"This is me!?" Tubbo asked confused as he looked quite different and healthier

His brunet hair had been curled so it looked poofy and fun while his face had a bit of eyeshadow but not a lot so it looked natural then his pimples had been covered and seamlessly vanished

"Yep you look good tubs!" Tommy said

"Thank you so much boss man!" Tubbo said to the man who smiled and nodded

After that Tommy did as he promised and showed Tubbo all around the school and eventually Tubbo joined tommys popular group and helped Tubbo out when he needed and Tubbo helped Tommy with his homework

Everyone acknowledged them as the popular two who stuck together like glue through think and thin

That's their story what's yours?

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