Chapter 5: Running

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"No. Thomas, Stop! Tell me what's going on." Teresa demands, stopping me and Thomas from going further in. "It's Wicked. It's Wicked. They lied to us. We never escaped. The four of us, we found bodies. Too many to count." Thomas explained. "What do you mean? Like, dead bodies?" Newt questions.

"No, not dead." (y/n) solemnly started. "Wicked wants the thing making you guys immune to the Flare. That's why you're here in the first place. But to do that, they have to string you up to various equipment and drain it out of you." Marcus explains further.

"So we have to get as far away from them as possible." Thomas completed. "Who are you anyway?" Aziel peeked out from behind me, staring at Marcus. I was also curious about the new male and annoyed at how close he was to (y/n).

"Marcus, (y/n)'s brother. Nice to meet you. Here." Marcus completes his quick introduction by giving a magazine so (y/n) so she could reload her gun. "I'm on your side." Marcus rips off the sewed on WCKD insignia on his uniform. I let out a small sigh of relief to know they don't have a deeper relationship than siblings.

"So what's the plan? You do have a plan right?" Newt asks Thomas who shook his head, "Yeah, I don't know." Newt raised his voice, "Well, we followed you out here, Thomas and now you're saying you have no Idea where we're going or what we're doing."

"Didn't Janson say something about people attacking Wicked's facilities? The Red Arm or something." I started. "The Right Arm. Janson said they were hiding in the mountains. They are some kind of resistance or army." Aris corrected and continued my thoughts.

"The Right Arm. If they're really against Wicked, maybe they can help us." (y/n) suggested. "People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan." Newt absorbs the information in disbelief. "It's the best we've got. The Right Arm has equipment and resources to care for us. It helps that they are against Wicked and their ways so they should accept us easily as well." Marcus nods in agreement.

While we were discussing our next plan of action, I didn't realise Aziel had left my side until he called for us, "Hey, guys. Check this out. Dad, can you shine your light?" I shined my flashlight on the ground where he was pointing to reveal footprints in the sand. "Someone's been down here." I observed as the trail went further into the building.

"Good job buddy." (y/n) came up and ruffled Ariel's hair as he gleams up at her in pride. We cautiously made our way further into the building. I shined a light through the gate of a shop, catching view of several water canisters and clothes. "Come on, open up." I ordered as the boys helped me lift the gate.

I cautiously walked in first, considering I was the one holding the light. Since the coast was clear, the others started following. Everyone managed to find some kind of light, be it flashlights or lamps and we started to search around individually.

I picked up a dirtied jacket from the pile of clothes. "Looks like people lived here." I shook off the sand on the jacket. "Where are they now?" Newt asks. "Let's pack some of this stuff up. Anything you think you might need." Thomas ignores Newt's question, instead, dusting off a grey jacket and putting it on. "We'll split up, see what else we can find. Meet back here." Thomas orders.

I immediately grouped up with Aziel and (y/n) who was sifting through the clothes pile. "Here." (y/n) dusts off a small navy blue jacket before helping Aziel put it on before grabbing a jacket for herself. "Ready?" I asked them as I put on my selected blue jacket. They nodded and I led the way as (y/n) followed with Aziel's hand in hers.


We went to the centre and I decided to start a conversation to break the awkward silence. "(y/n)." I called out to her, "Yeah?" I heard her reply. "All those kids that we left behind back here. I don't want to end up like that. I don't want you guys to end up like that either."

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