Chapter 7

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-Stuck in the Maze-

"Minho!" I hear a muffled girl shout. "No! Minho!" There it was again. Then I felt cold. And compressed. Like I was drowning. "I'll get you out. All of you. I promise." I could faintly see (y/n)'s figure, but she was younger.

"Minho?" I woke up with Alby looking down at me. "You good man?" He asked as I sat up. "Yeah. Just a weird dream. I... I don't remember what it was about." I furrowed my brows. All I could vaguely remember was (y/n)'s pretty face.

"Are we still on about running the Maze?" Alby pats my shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah of course." I nodded at him. "Good that. I'll let you get ready." Alby pats my shoulder before leaving. I looked out the window to see it was still quite dark, but the door should be opening soon. I got off my ass and got ready. Me and Alby were going to try and trace Ben's tracks and see how he got stung.


"All ready?" (y/n) approached me, giving me my rucksack and dagger. The doors were slowly starting to open. "Of course. Who do you take me as?" I gave her a smirk, giving her a thank you as I took my rucksack and sheath my dagger. "Be safe alright? Come back to me. To us." She looked up to me with her pretty (e/c) eyes that held a tint of worry. "Don't worry. I will." I gave her a smile before making my way to Alby and Newt.

"Be careful out there, yeah?" Newt shook my hand. "Always." I gave a firm shake back before turning to Alby, ready to enter the maze. "Minho!" I turned around as (y/n) came running to me, "Good luck." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before running back further into the Glade. "Thanks..." I sighed dreamily as my eyes followed her disappearing figure. "Alright, loverboy. Let's get moving." Alby grabbed the back of my shirt, pushing me toward the maze.


"So... Have you made a move yet?" Alby asked as we slowed our jog to a walk. We were in the outer rings, approaching section six, even though It's closed until tomorrow. "Alby..." I growled, "Dude! Even she made a move earlier!" He started walking backwards with his arms raised in exaggeration.

"Shuck off. It's none of your business," I tried to walk faster to have him lag behind but he still caught up. "None of my business? It's my damn business when you two keep giving each other googly eyes and yet not kiss! It hurts man!" Alby gestured with his words. "Just tell her you shucking love her! Might as well get married. You two even adopted Aziel as your kid!" He makes more points. "But what if-"

"You don't but if me! You know I'm right." Alby stops, jabbing his finger to my chest. "Live a life you will enjoy and we both know (y/n) is part of that life." He puts both hands on my shoulders, giving me his serious stare, "Both of you are runners, the most dangerous job in this hell hole. So live happily together. Because we don't know if one will stupidly get stung. Especially with (y/n)'s heroism." He pats my shoulders twice, giving a big grin as he sees the realisation on my face.

I never really thought of things like that, "Dude, Thank you." I whispered under my breath. "You're wel-" Alby was cut off as rain started pelting down until we heard a spine chilling roar. Low and behold, there behind Alby was a Griever. "Move it!" I quickly turned around to run back where we came from. The mechanical taps against wet concrete was a clear sign it was chasing us.

We were close to entering the inner rings. "Agh!!" I look back to see the Griever grab Alby, pulling out a needle and stabbing it through Alby. "Alby!" I grabbed my dagger and stabbed the Griever. It lets out a scream as it drops Alby. "C'mon, let's go!" I support Alby as we continue to run from the Griever.


Eventually manage to lose the Griever in the rain somehow. But Alby wasn't in good shape. "Arrghhh!" Alby tackles me to the ground, trying to strangle me. "I'm sorry." I let out as I hit Alby in the head with the hilt of my dagger, knocking him out.


The rain stopped a while ago. I was trying to get Alby back to the Glade but his dead weight around my back doesn't help. I had to get back soon, the doors were closing soon. I could hear the faint rumble of the doors closing. I turned the corner grunting as I carried Alby. I could faintly see practically all the Gladers in the distance by the door.

"Come on, Minho, you can do this!"
"Come on! Go!"

(y/n) ran in, approaching Alby, slinging his arm over her shoulder. "C'mon, we don't have much time!" She grunted as she pulled Alby along with me. "Just go ahead!" I shouted towards her over the Gladers shouts and the rumbling door. "No way in hell!" Sometimes I hate how stubborn she is. We both dropped Alby to try and carry him a different way. I grabbed his ankles as (y/n) grabbed his torso but he was still slightly dragging on the ground.

"C'mon, you can make it!"
"Minho, (y/n), you gotta leave him!"
"You gotta leave him!"

We were so close to the doors. I let out a cry as we got closer to the closing doors. It's so frustrating. (y/n)'s going to die. Alby's going to die. All because of me. "Thomas, no!" That was the last that was shouted as the doors completely shut. Me and (y/n) collapsed on all fours. I slowly got up on my knees as I see Thomas scrambling on the floor.

"Good job. You just killed yourself."

𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 [Minho x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora