Chapter 4

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Minho and Aziel escorted me to the Slammer. Well more like both of them were clinging to me in some form or the other as we made our way to the Slammer, be it just holding hand or full on clinging to me like a tree. Guess which is who. We arrived at the Slammer door, "Let go please." I said to the two boys that still clung to me, "No!" Aziel was enthusiastic to reply.

While Minho was silent, his tightened grip on my hand told me that he was on the same page as Aziel. "It's only for one day and I'll see you tomorrow." Both boys reluctantly release from their grasp, "Thank you." I thanked them as I got into the slammer, immediately noticing the Greenie that was sniffling in a corner of the slammer.

"Go ahead and grab yourself some breakfast, you guys can visit me later after lunch." I quickly dismissed the boys so I could talk to the Greenie. "You sure? I mean, we can probably sneak some food for you or something. "Minho gave me a concerned look. Although my heart warmed at his concern, "Yeah I'll be fine. I don't want to get you two in trouble or get stuck here longer. Now go." I shooed them away, finally getting my chance to talk to the Greenie.

I took a seat beside the Greenie wanting to talk to him but I only just realised he was still crying. Not exactly knowing what to do, I gently but awkwardly pet his back. Usually if Aziel cries, I would just hug him till he falls asleep, but the Greenie is not Aziel. "Do you want a hug?" I whispered quietly. He looks at me with his glossy eyes before diving into my arms sobbing. "There there. It's going to be alright okay?" I reassuringly rubbed his back. Allowing him to cry his tears before explaining everything to him.

"Why are we here? Who put us here? What was that thing out there? Why can't I remember anything?" The Greenie was shooting out questions, nearly sobbing again. "Hey, hey, It's alright okay? I can answer all your questions. Just calm down okay?" The Greenie slows his crying to sniffles. "You should be able to remember your name in a few days-"

"Chuck. That's my name." The Greenie- or I guess Chuck, looked at me in glee.

"Nice to meet you Chuck, I'm (y/n)." I smiled at the progress we got, "Now, let's answer those questions one by one, alright?"

"What is this place?" "This is the Glade. The safe house to protect us from Grievers, those monsters that were in the maze." "There's more than one!?"

"Who put us here?" "Dunno, we just call them the creators. Every month we get a Greenie like you along with supplies. I was the Greenie before you, having been brought up here last month." "What's a Greenie?"

"Why can't I remember anything besides my name?" "No clue. The creators probably did something to our minds that messed with our memories."

"Why are you so nice to me?" The atmosphere got thicker, "Because of me, you almost died." Chuck almost burst into tears again. "So? We got alive didn't we? I'm alive and well. I don't blame you at all." I gave the sniffling kid a gentle smile, "How? I mean- if our roles were reversed, I would hate myself too." His eyes got glossy again. "I also ran to the maze when I first got here." This seemed to pick his interest so I continued, "I was like you, scared. I was put in a place I didn't know. My natural instinct was of course to run to the closest exit."

"How far did you get into the maze?" The Greenie asked, "I didn't get to enter the maze. My mind just screamed at me as I reached the doors. And Minho tackling me also stopped me." I let out a chuckle. "But because of you, I think I just got my chance to run the maze and find a way out after almost a month of me asking to be a runner. So, thanks." I gave him a grin.

Chuck was about to disagree when Minho and Aziel came back to the Slammer, "Mom!" Aziel called out, stretching his hand through the bars to have some form of contact with me. "Hello. Nice of you two to visit me." I teased as I held Aziel's outstretched hand. "Of course we would. Why wouldn't we?" Minho gave me a small smile before his gaze fell to Chuck behind me, his smile immediately falling.

"You caused a lot of trouble, you know Greenie?" Minho gave a glare to Chuck behind me who curled up under Minho's gaze. I slapped his ankle since it was the only part of him I could reach, "Stop glaring at him meanie. It was my choice to save him and his name is Chuck."

Minho gave me an offended look, "you nearly shuckin' died!" Minho argued. "I have to agree with dad on this one mom. Because of the Greenie's recklessness, you really could have died." Aziel sided with him.

"It was my own choices that got me running from a Griever. And his name is Chuck!" I pouted at the two boys.

"He's still a Greenie." Minho turned away, mumbling under his breath.

"I'm Aziel. It's not very nice to meet you Chuck since you almost killed my mom but I can try to forgive that."

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