Chapter 5

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-Yet another Greenie-

Over the past month, me and (y/n) were getting closer. I mean, we run the maze together almost everyday for the past so it was bound to happen eventually. After the whole maze situation, she became the Newt to my Alby. My second in command who actually had a better eye than me at picking runners. The runner's population didn't increase much but it did more than expected.

"I think we should head back soon. Come on, let's regroup with Ben." (y/n) picked up her rucksack, adjusting her clothes as she stood up. Ever since (y/n) became a runner, we asked the Box for new running supplies for her. But since I don't exactly know what she needed, I just wrote 'supplies for a girl runner and anything else a girl would need' before chucking the note into the box. "Alright." I grunt as I put away my water bottle and lunch 'box' which really was just light food in a plastic bag.

"A new greenie should be sent up by now." (y/n) thought out loud as we regrouped with Ben. "Hopefully another Chuck case doesn't happen." I muttered under my breath, still slightly hating Chuck for that incident. "Hope the other runners will catch them if they do." Ben commented last as everyone focused on getting to the Glade.


"Hey, Chuck. New Greenie, huh?" Ben commented as the three of us jogged past Chuck, Aziel and the Greenie. "How does it feel to be promoted?" Ben looks back to hear Chuck's response, "Feels great, Ben." Chuck gives a small thumbs up as he smiles and nods at (y/n) in greeting as Aziel does the same. (y/n) gives Aziel and Chuck a smile and nods back as we head off to the map room. I let out a small sigh. (y/n) nudges my side with her elbow, "Oh, give it a rest. That was a month ago." (y/n) playfully rolls her eyes at me, "Like how you don't let go of that knife incident." I huffed out, ginning as she let out a chuckle. "Okay, fair."


"Light 'em up!" Alby start the monthly celebration as everyone throws their flaming sticks into the fire. Cheers rang the Glade along with the makeshift drumming that was recently implemented on (y/n)'s suggestion. "Hey." Speaking of (y/n), she arrives to the party with her own plate of Frypan's food and Aziel tailing her like Bark which who was at their feet. They took their place next to me as usual, the fire beautifully lightening (y/n)'s face never gets old. "Hello to you too." I gave her the classic Minho smirk as she dug in. Bark squeezes his was between me and (y/n) giving a small bark. I glared at the dog for separating us but he just gave me a stupid face as he pants. Aziel snickered at the situation, causing me to shift may glare to him.

We ate in comfortable silence until I looked up to see Newt's and the Greenie's attention on us. I put away my plate as I finished eating. "You think the Greenie would make a good runner?" (y/n) started the conversation. "Not sure. Heard from Newt that he face-planted into the ground as tried running away." Aziel chimed in. I couldn't make my own comment as the Gladers cheered for the Greenie. "Another Gally tradition." (y/n) sighs as the Greenie goes to fight Gally. We stood up, joining the Gladers surrounding the ring.

Gally makes the first move, pushing the Greenie into the Gladders surrounding the ring. The Gladders were Quick to push him back into the ring as Gally grabs the back of his shirt and tosses him to the ground. I could hear (y/n) winced as the crowded 'oh'ed. "Come one, Greenie. We're not done yet." Gally taunts as he backs up, allowing the Greenie to stand. The Greenie stood up, adjusting his shirt, " Stop calling me Greenie." He dusts off the sand on his clothes before he and Gally start circling each other.

"Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?" Gally taunts some more as the crowd laughs and cheers. "What do you think, boys? Does he look like a Shank?" Gally asks the crowd before the Greenie charges at Gally.

They wrestle each other for a while before Gally throws the Greenie off him to the ground. "You know what? I think I've settled on Shank." Gally backs off a bit as the Greenie wobbly gets on his feet and charges at Gally again. Gally pushes the Greenie back to the middle of the ring before the Greenie repositions his hands and pushes Gally to the ground behind him. The boys 'oh'ed once more, only louder this time.

"There you go Greenie." Alby's cheer for the Greenie was faint as it got drowned out by the other gladers. "Not bad for a Greenie huh?" The Greenie cockly commented, but was immediately shut up as Gally swiped the Greenie's feet with his and hit his head quite badly.

"Hey! That's my move!." I hear (y/n) comment beside me as I look to see she had a cute pout on. I let out a small chuckle before refocusing on the match but I guess it's over as the Greenie had a look of realisation.

He muttered something under his breath before excitingly getting up, "..mas, hey! Thomas!" He lets out a disbelieved chuckle, "I remember my name. I'm Thomas!" He gave the Glade a big grin "Thomas!" Alby was the first to cheer as everyone quickly followed and went to congratulate him. "Welcome home, Thomas." I could hear Frypan faintly tell the Greenie, or well, Thomas now, as me and (y/n) still hung back.

"Thomas..." I hear whispers under her breath with a lost look in her eyes. "You okay?" Worried, I put my arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. Aziel hugs her torso. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"It's just... Thomas gave a small ring but the bell is gone now."

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