Chapter 8

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-Night in the Maze-

"What?" Thomas stutters out. I pant in defeat as I sat down from my kneeling position. "You okay?' I pat (y/n)'s back as she slowly joined me in sitting on the floor, "yeah. No problems." She slightly pants, bowing her head in defeat, I do the same.

Thomas scrambles up, approaching the unconscious Alby. "What happened to him?" he asks as he examines the wound from where I knocked him out. I only realised how much force I used on him. "What does it look like? He got stung." I hissed out at his obliviousness, "What happened to his head?" That was what reminded me that Thomas was still, indeed, a Greenie. "I did what I had to do." I signed, the guilt from hitting him slowly rises.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I see (y/n) giving me a gentle smile as she looks a me with those deep (e/c) slightly filled with sorrow. Oh how do I want to wipe it off.

A mechanical roar broke the silence. I grunted as I slowly stood up, muscles in my body all screaming to stop. The loud rumbling of the shifting maze made it slightly difficult to hear Thomas. "Okay. Okay, help me get him up." Thomas, I guess, tries to order. "We gotta go. The maze is already changing," I lent my hand to (y/n), pulling her back on her feet.

I dragged (y/n) away from Thomas and Alby but was slightly slowed down by the unmoving feet. "Hey, Minho!" Thomas calls out to me. I kept going. "Minho." (y/n)'s stern voice stopped me. I looked down at her as she squeezed my hand. "We can't just leave him here." (y/n) whispered but I heard it clear as day.


"We gotta get him up." Thomas grunted as we both carried Alby's dead weight. (y/n) was on the lookout for any Grievers while following us behind. We approached a three-way, "Just sit him down. Sit him down." I pant out, gesturing to a wall, more than willing to relieve myself from Alby's weight.

A Griever's shrill was heard to our right. "This isn't going to work. We gotta go. We gotta go!" panicking, I quickly stood up, intertwining my hand in (y/n)'s, seeing which would be the best direction to run in. "Wait, what are you talking about? We gotta hide him." Thomas asked as I walked past him to see the available paths on the other side.

"Where?" I asked, still pacing around to find a way away from the Griever. "I don't know. Are you telling me there's not a single place we could take him?" Thomas asked, desperation slightly in his voice. Irritated, I let go of (y/n)'s hand, grabbing the hem of Thomas's shirt and slamming him to the wall behind. "Minho!" (y/n) called out.

"Listen to me, Shuck-face, alright. Take a look around. There's nowhere to go!" I let go of his shirt as (y/n) pulled me off him. I look down at her to see her give me that concern face of hers. I slowly start to calm down. Just looking at her always has this kind of effect, no matter the situation.

"You don't get it." I turned my attention to Thomas on the ground, shaking my head at him. "We're already dead." I spit out at him. "Minho, don't say that. We still have Aziel and Chuck to get back to." (y/n) cradled my face in her hands. All I could focus on was her. I sunk into the warmth of her hands. I slowly start to lean in. If I was going to die then I have to do it before then. So close, our breath intertwined. Until,

Thomas frantically stood up, rudely getting between me and (y/n) as he approached a wall full of ivy. (y/n) turned away, her face bright red as she used her shirt to cool down her face. My face was also feeling hot but all I wanted to do was to punch that Shuck-face. He looks at me as if he unlocked the secrets of the cosmos. Eventually I got what his idea was though.


All of us grunted as we pulled the ivy, lifting Alby in the air. "Two, three..." Thomas counted down as we pulled the Ivy in unison, letting out another loud grunt, well me and Thomas were. (y/n) was pretty quiet in front of me. The process was repeated until I heard a low rumble of a Griever. I stared into the darkness, the fear in my body was stabbing me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Thomas frantically asked as he felt my grip slowly loosen. "Minho , focus!" I heard (y/n) ordered but I couldn't help it. "What are you doing?" I tuned out Thomas. My mind only set on the silhouette of the Griever that was revealed by the moving maze.

"We gotta go. We gotta go now!" In a panic, I quickly grabbed (y/n)'s forearm, not willing to leave her behind. "No, no, just a little more and we'll tie it off." Thomas frantically told me as he continued to pull on the ivy, "Minho, c'mon. We're almost done." (y/n) tries to bring my focus back on the task at hand but all I could focus on was the Griever that seemed ready to dash right at us.

The Griever started coming right for us. I let out a small yelp, ready to run away any time. "Minho, stay with us. Just a little more, okay? Almost there. " (y/n) tries to break my panic barrier but I couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, Greenie." "What?" I grabbed (y/n)'s hand and pulled her away from the Griever. "Minho!"

(y/n) called out but all I could think of was to get the both of us to safety.

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