Chapter 9

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-They didn't just see it.-

"Minho!" (y/n) managed to grab my straps and slam me to a wall, "What the hell!?" She screamed into my face. I've never seen her this angry besides the times where some Gladers would make fun of Aziel or Chuck. It sings to know that anger is directed to me. "We have to go back and help Thomas." she turns back, ready to run but I quickly grab her shoulders, "No! Thomas is probably dead already anyways! We need to go somewhere safe- away from Grievers, not to."

I'll be lying if her care for Thomas didn't spark jealousy in me. Maybe that's why I left him, as morbid as it is. "Even so, whatever it is Thomas has, we need more of it. He was willing to run in the Maze and even help Alby when he's practically dead weight. How many Gladers would have that spirit?" Her eyes narrowed at me before swiftly turning around.

"Whether you come with me or not, it doesn't matter. But I have a feeling he's our key out of this cage." (y/n) starts jogging away. "Wait! Aghh fine!" not willing to actually let her run the maze alone, I follow her against my will. Then again, I will follow her anywhere to keep her by my side.


We were running, almost sprinting, toward where we, or I, left Thomas when we saw the man himself leaping from the top of a wall and clinging on to the ivy of another. A Griever leaps with him nearly stinging him when both of them fall as the Ivy breaks. The Griever got tangled in the ivy as Thomas backs away. We ran around to meet him on the other side.

I ran into him, grabbing his shoulder as he was still backing from the Griever, scaring him a little, "You're a crazy son of a bitch." I quickly told him. "Less talking, we still got a Griever!" (y/n) came to our side, eyes focused on the tangled Griever. "C'mon, follow me. Come on!" I quickly dragged Thomas away, (y/n) quickly joining my side.

We quickly ran down a corridor. The loud scrape of concrete reminded me, "Okay, it's changing, it's changing! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" I ushered both of them. "This section is closing. Come on! We can lose it down here" we start running through the long corridor. As the walls slowly close in. I ran to the end, only to notice (y/n) and Thomas didn't follow me, they were looking back. "(y/n)! Thomas! What are you waiting for? Get out of there!"" I called out to them.

My heart pounding no longer just from adrenaline. I could hear a Griever at the other end of the corridor. I see Thomas and (y/n) nod to each other as Thomas slowly backs away into the corridor as (y/n) stays. "C'mon!" I could faintly hear both of them shout. Thomas gets his head start, running down the corridor, (y/n) right behind him with a Griever chasing them. My heart skips multiple beats as I see the Griever so close to (y/n).

"C'mon! Don't look back!
"Move it! Go on!"
"Move your ass! Let's go! C'mon!"

My voice grows hoarse as I let my last shout. Both made it out alive. (y/n) made it out alive. I immediately wrapped her in my arms, "Do that again and I'll shucking kill you myself." I sigh, burying my head into her shoulder. I could feel her rubbing my back as she returns the hug, "Yeah, I know.


It was day time. We survived a night in the maze. Something no one has done. We turn the corner, me and Thomas heaving Alby through the corridor with (y/n) leading us. My mind was too fried because of her to remember the way back. "Yeah!" I could hear Chuck and Aziel cheer as we finally re-enter the Glade. "I got him, I got him, I got him." Jeff grabs Alby off our arms "watch out. Easy." The other Gladers start helping him shift Alby to the ground.

"What happened out there?"
"How did you guys make it out?"

It's no surprise people were asking questions, but were dismissed as we focused back on the injured Alby. "You saw a Griever?" Chuck asked Thomas. "Yeah, I saw one." Whether Thomas was being humble or was scared shitless I couldn't tell. But I had to, "They didn't just see it. They killed it."


We held a gathering. I mean it was inevitable. Thomas broke the rules and we did something no one has done before. Stay a night in the maze. "Things are changing. There's no denying that." Gally breaks the silence. "First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And our Greenie, here, has taken it upon himself... to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here." He finished off the list of events, necessarily adding the last bit.

"Yeah... but he saved Alby's life." Frypan adds in. "Did he?" Gally looked slightly taken aback. "For 3 years, we have coexisted with these. And now, you two killed one of them." Gally accusingly points at (y/n) and Thomas. "Who knows what that could mean for us." Gally directs his attention to the other Gladers.

"Coexisted my ass. We've hid from these things. Coexisting means leaving together in peace but as far as anyone can tell, they are still willing to turn us into gravestones." (y/n) scoffs. "(y/n)." Newt gave her a warning tone. Reluctantly, she shuts up, leaning back against me with her arms crossed. "What do you suggest we do?" Newt asked Gally.

"He has to be punished. Same with (y/n)." Protest was quick to holler around, specifically Aziel. "Whoa, hold on. The Greenie I understand but why (y/n) too? She didn't break any rules!" Aziel is never Aziel if he's not defending who he loves. But his point got drowned out by the other Gladers. "Minho." Newt turns to me "You were there with them. What do you think?"

All eyes were on me now. "I think... First of all, (y/n) should not be punished. She didn't break any rule so I don't see a need for her to be punished. Secondly, in all the time we've been here... no one's ever killed a Griever before." I addressed. "I mean, I tried to kill one but you wouldn't let me." I could hear (y/n) murmur. I gave her a quick look before turning back to the Gladers. I'll have a talk with her later.

"When I turned tail and ran with (y/n), leaving him all alone... This dumb shank stayed behind to help Alby." I gestured to Thomas. "Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid. "But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner." As usual, protests were made. "A runner, what? Minho, let's not jump the gun here." I could hear Frypan suggesting. Chuck tried to chat Thomas's name and Aziel tried to support but it quickly died as no one else joined in.

"If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze it is that you do not-" Gally was cut off as a low rumbling was heard. Then, the alarm. Everyone runs out of the homestead to see what's going on. "Okay, wait. I know that sound." Thomas stated. "It's the Box. it's coming back up." (y/n) realised. "It shouldn't be." Me and (y/n) ran past them, running to the Box like everyone else.

Newt and Gally were the first to the Box, with Newt jumping down in it. "It's a girl." Newt looks up at us. We finally surround the Box like everyone else. We look down to see a girl, seemingly unconscious. "I think she's dead." Newt tells us.

"What in her hand?" Gally nods towards the girl's hand that seemed to be holding a roll or something. "She's the last one... ever." Turns out it was a note and Newt read it to us. "What the hell does that mean?" Newt's face contorts to confusion before getting the daylights scared out of him as the girl gasped awake. Everyone jumps back surprised.


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