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Like the train the washroom is also luxurious. It had a big mirror attached to it. I started to do my buisness and while washing my hand I looked at my face in the mirror, but suddenly the lights started to flicker. It was going on and off.......on and off..............on and off..............in a moment the light stop blinking..........And suddenly...................
Yn: AHHHHHHHHHH.....................

I saw someone behind me in the mirror, a black shadow smiling creepily at me, it was so creepy that made me scream in horror

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I saw someone behind me in the mirror, a black shadow smiling creepily at me, it was so creepy that made me scream in horror.  then i felt Dizzy and black out in the washroom.........
??: It's time to take you.......
Author's P.O.V~
(to the four idiots,jin hobi kate Jimin)

They where walking around the train exploring it.
Kate: this train is actually very beautiful.
Jimin: yes.
Hobi: Hey see there are some cabinets.
Jin: Lets go there afterall I am tired of walking all the way.
Jimin: Yes Yes lets go.
After that they all separated there way and entered into each separate room.

(At Kate's room)

Kate entered the room and sat down on the warm sofa.
Kate: wow, didn't expected this to be this cosy.
She noticed beside the sofa there was a table and a newspaper was kept there.
Kate: Hmm, lets update myself with some news.

She started to read the news, but soon her eyes widen after reading the title.


She look at the date and it was....................

Kate: Today!.........   How can it be possible?

She looked at the time and it was the exact time that her watch shows, 1.36am.

She started to read further.

*The report*
On XXX day, A train left from XXX station at 12am in the midnight was found missing. The said train didn't reached its particular platform and Vanished in a tunnel. The train was last seen around 1.36am. The train carried only 10 passengers, whose names are, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hosekh, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Lee Yn, Lee Elena, Choi Kate. Those Passengers are also missing. The police is investigating the matter.
             Thank You.

*Report End*

Her eyes where literally on the verge of coming out of there sockets, she can't consume this amount of shock in a moment.

Kate: This is impossible..............
??: Everything is possible in my world..................
Kate was terrified by that sudden voice, but the moment She turn around..............
She saw only black..........

HELP ME ~ The Devil Awaits  (Taehyung FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt