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Y/N P.O.V~
The little sobs turn into loud cries, and Suddenly someone screamed from inside "HELP ME", and that was the moment I turned the door nob and entered into the room, Surprisingly the door was unlocked.

As I go inside the darkness engulfed me, there was no cries, no one was weeping or begging for help, only silence lies here, pure silence

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As I go inside the darkness engulfed me, there was no cries, no one was weeping or begging for help, only silence lies here, pure silence. The old clock falls down from the wall making a loud noise, which breaks the terrifying silence. The glass pieces scattered everywhere.

I look out of the broken window to find that grey clouds have sorrunded everywhere

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I look out of the broken window to find that grey clouds have sorrunded everywhere. I again started to feel his presence, the Devil's presence. I can feel it. Out of nowhere a piece of white papper came and landed in front of me. I bend down and opened the papper it was written with Red Colour "Look At Your Side". I was terrified by this. I moved my head towards the left. In the white wall "HELP ME" was written with blood at the same time loud sound of thunder reached my ears. I screamed loudly and fainted there.

Elena's P

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Elena's P.O.V~
Me and Jungkook were waiting for Y/N, it was now more than 15 minutes She didn't came.
Jk: Elena, are you sure Y/N is okay? I am having bad feelings.
Elena: I guess something is wrong with her. I am going to check on her
JK: okay call me if you need help

I nodded and went to her room, To my surprise she was not there. Now I am definitely sure something is wrong with her. I moved towards the washroom and saw she was lying unconsciously in the ground. I called Jungkook and took her to the room. Mom and Dad also rushed towards her room.

(Your room) Y/N's P

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(Your room)
Y/N's P.O.V~
AS I opened my eyes I saw mom sitting beside me and dad was talking to the doctor. Elena and Jungkook were standing beside the window opposite to my bed. Well Jungkook is my cousin he also knew about my ability.
Doctor: It is nothing serious, She just fainted because of tiredness and stress.
Dad: okay we will take care of her Thank you.
The Doctor left my dad turned towards me and said with a strict voice
Dad: Can't you take care of yourself. Most of the time you will not eat properly and then we have to waste our time like this.
Mom: Make sure situation like this shouldn't come again
By saying that they left. It was nothing new for me but still there harsh words hurts very much. Even tho I pretend not to care but still. Only Jungkook and Elena know something was wrong.
Elena: Are you okay Sis?
Yn: Yeah I am fine unnie. I just fainted because of tiredness don't worry.
Jk: We are not fools Yn, we know you since childhood we could easily tell when you are lying.
I understand there was nothing to hide they can read me like an open book. I sighed and explained everything to them. They where petrified and speechless, but suddenly I started to have a flashback of the time when I fainted. I saw a boy who was looking at me and mouthed " You will Die". I can back to my sense and just then I saw the same boy outside the window, he was smirking at me, but I kept quite and didn't tell anyone about him.
To be continued.....

Hey readers I wish you all have liked this part. Please don't forget to vote if you have liked this chapter. Stay tuned next chapter is coming soon.😊💜

HELP ME ~ The Devil Awaits  (Taehyung FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora